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Martin Couzins
Bath, Somerset
Content and digital engagement specialist looking for new opportunities
Interests: usability, user engagement, design, content marketing, business development, management, soul music, coaching, leadership, change management, facilitation, learning and development, being dad
Recent Activity
How many models for content curation do you need?
Thanks to Steve Bridger for pointing to this article - 5 models of content creation - on the Influential Marketing Blog. It's an interesting article and timely as curating content seems to be the flavour of the day. Let's face... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
20 things I'd like to see from a recruitment consultant
Not posted a job search update recently so thought I would go with this. Recruitment consultants have jobs that I am interested in, but I would like to see some improvements in how I am treated. Here is my wishlist.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
From mobile apps to experience platforms
I love it when I come away from a conference inspired of thinking about doing new things or doing things differently. This was definitely the case at The Big M mobile conference in Bath. Two presentations made the point that... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Describe the difference: conference versus unconference
I've have recently been blogging from conferences and unconferences and have noticed quite a difference in how each type of event feels. I have put together a list of words or phrases to describe what I felt. Obviously there are... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Video: where good ideas come from
[ H/T Brainpicker] Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Hi Bronagh
Thanks for the comment. I agree with what you say and it confirms what I am thinking. I understand why innovation can be slow especially when we have tried and tested commercial models. But, we are all doing more on mobile devices - both work and play.
Where is the mobile innovation in B2B publishing?
The Apple iPad 2 launches today which made me think about how much mobile innovation has or has not been going on in B2B publishing. Seems to me that nothing much has happened apart from sites being optimised for mobile (which is important, clearly) and apps being launched that provide content f...
Where is the mobile innovation in B2B publishing?
The Apple iPad 2 launches today which made me think about how much mobile innovation has or has not been going on in B2B publishing. Seems to me that nothing much has happened apart from sites being optimised for mobile... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
I brand this Twitter hashtag . . .
Interesting discussions going on about the use of the BBC's Twitter hashtag for this week's budget. Rather than using the #budget hashtag the Beeb went for #BBCBudget. There is an explanation of why the BBC made that decision. And over... Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
The Big M mobile conference 2011 - round-up of posts and links
The Big M mobile conference took place in Komedia, Bath on Mon 21 March 2011. I attended and did some live blogging and tweeting. There has been lots of great content produced from the event which I have been curating... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Pictures from the Big M conference 2011
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Posted Mar 23, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
UX at The Big M mobile conference
User experience has been a big theme at The Big M - and when I say user experience I mean the process of identifying what the user requires, the business case and the execution in a simple and, to quote... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
The Big M - Paul Golding's keynote on future trends in mobile
Paul Golding ended the day with a look at future trends in mobile. He framed it in terms of future opportunities for developers working in mobile. Judging by the fact Golding's children are Android developers at the age of 11... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Ewan Macleod - the Big M devil's advocate
Ewan Macleod runs Mobile Industry Review and really dislikes mobile operators. He is The Big M devil's advocate. Macleod spent most of his talk explaining what he would like to see from his mobile device and from his mobile network.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
The history of the world in 100 seconds - awesome visualisation
Gareth LLoyd has put this visualisation together using geo location and historic referneces on Wikipedia. The result: a fascinating voew of how and where we have developed. This visualisation gives us yet another example of how we can reuse data... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Raam Thakrar on app distribution and monetisation
Raam Thakrar kicks off The Big M conference with a talk on monetisation. It is quite provocative on distribution and how to make apps scale ie if it won't scale it won't make money (so why bother?). His key message... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Open data discussion at The Big M
Really interesting discussion on open data at The Big M. Missed getting down all the names of those taking aprt in the panel discussion. Some great points being made. Open data enables non-tech people to access data and use it... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Edited tweet stream of Bruce Lawson talking HTML
Update: Here is Bruce's presentation . . . Web Anywhere: Mobile Optimisation With HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript View more presentations from brucelawson First try with Storify - here are tweets pulled out from Bruce Lawson's talk on HTML 5 at the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Aral Balkan on 'Beyond Usability on Mobile'
Presentation two at The Big M is on user experience. Opening quote: 'We are now making the new everyday things.' Aral Balkan tells the audience that app development is all about the making of new everyday things. I like UX... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Best freebie from SXSW
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Posted Mar 20, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Just pulled together some posts from TFMA 2011
I do some guest posts for Vaughan over at VG&A Associates and today I pulled together links of content that came out of this month's Technology for Marketing and Advertising show. That's put paid to any posting I was going... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Reuters curates Japan earthquake content using Scribble Live
I've been enjoying curating the Tru unconferences and so was interested to see this tweet by Peter Bale, International Programming Director for MSN. I like the Reuters curation of the Japan earthquake - bringing in user generated content alongside their... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Give space, get more creative
Yesterday I saw an illustrator friend of mine Mark who has been working on some ideas for my blog design (well, the header). I was intrigued to see what he had created because of our first meeting. In the first... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
When marketing copy just doesn't help - guess the product
Received a brochure through the post the other day. With it was a letter addressed to me and below is the opening line from the letter. The company logo was all over the letter so I knew what I was... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Nice piece of aggregation - Guardian at SXSW
The Guardian has produced a great looking page from the SXSW festival in the US which pulls together all the aggregated posts from the Tumblr blogs the writers are using to post content. Great explanation of how it all works... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
Want to produce interesting content? Bring in the community DJ
[Pic credit: DJ XTC Only Hit Music] I ran a track at Tru Stockholm on content. In it we discussed how to create content that people - in this case job seekers, will want to read and share. One delegate... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2011 at ItsDevelopmental - content + technology + people
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