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Mary O'Connell
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This note made me think about my six siblings. i am the oldest, and in a large, Irish family, everyone has to fight to get attention from overwelmed parents. I know that these feelings have carried over into adulthood as you describe above. But, despite a lot of contenousness, one thread that can bring us together is laughter. Thanks for your post.
Toggle Commented Jun 28, 2010 on Oh, Brother at Reflections of a Gynecologist
Reading your blog made me realize more clearly the accomplishments of my own children. Matthew, who is 9 and has autism, has really struggled to learn how to dress himself and to ride a scooter - things that most parents of 9 year olds take for granted. For him, these are big accomplishments. Owen, my youngest at 6, is really struggling to learn to write, which is hard with fine motor delays. He is beginning to make progress. Yes, we supported both boys, but ultimately, as you point out, these are their accomplishments. Thank you for your words.
Mary O'Connell is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 29, 2010