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Brooklyn, NY
Interests: music, travel, friendship, honesty, sewing, love, fashion design, devotion, creation, conversation, watching people
Recent Activity
MaryPirate is now following Jane (sea of shoes)
Jan 6, 2010
MaryPirate is now following Fashion Fan Site
Jan 6, 2010
In the last three years I have experienced a lot of change. It has been a roller coaster of travel, moving, learning, and growing. I wouldn't change a single minute because it has made me a strong, fierce, and confident woman. My husband and I moved from Denver to New Zealand in 2007. Life is a beach. A beautiful one to walk down, but sometimes the sand can bury your feet. The key is to keep moving and going after what you want. Moved to beautiful Oregon in 2008. Then to California in summer 2008 In 2009, we returned to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2010 at MaryPirate's blog
MaryPirate is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 6, 2010