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meg mateo ilasco
Recent Activity
Michele, I say she's THAT good of an actress and that's how she parties (accent-less)! My friend Robie swears it was her. :)
Recap of the Creative, Inc. Book Tour
We're finally done with our Creative, Inc. book tour! Thank yous all around to everyone that came to the events, as well as to the wonderful hosts and sponsors. We had a great time. If you didn't make it, here's what you missed: Stop #1: September 9 at Candystore Collective in San Francisco. ...
Anthology launch party: yes, we are having one! Still working out the details, at the moment it is an invite-only event. Unfortunately, there are no magazine tour plans in the works.
Recap of the Creative, Inc. Book Tour
We're finally done with our Creative, Inc. book tour! Thank yous all around to everyone that came to the events, as well as to the wonderful hosts and sponsors. We had a great time. If you didn't make it, here's what you missed: Stop #1: September 9 at Candystore Collective in San Francisco. ...
i want that hot air balloon. do you know where else to find it? i hope that 2,400 yen = $5.25. and that sucker better not be 2 inches tall!
a few little things... Mahna Mahna Factory in Japan...
that's it! i'm throwing out everything in my pitiful closet and starting over. this closet is a stylist's DREAM.
a magical closet...
Just a preface that this is NOT my closet...but I certainly wish it was. I spent most of last week in New York for a family member's wedding and spent a night at my friend Beth's apartment in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. When I walked into her closet/dressing room, it was like magical universe o...
hey, i wrote a paper on this building back in the day! :)
happy friday + red, white, blue {and yellow}...
Happy Friday! Today, I'm leaving you with this amazing apartment building, the Unité d’Habitation project in Marseille by Le Corbusier. The image is a great way to end my primary color love this week, as well as give a slight nod to 4th of July weekend coming up. Have a great long weekend to t...
i don't think i could ever pull off wearing one of those headbands. they're so pretty though. i might just get one of the hello kitty-looking bow ones for lauryn!
head over heels...
There's no question that the girls of have amazing taste. Every time I see a new collection, I seriously swoon and have instant envy for any girl who gets to wear one of their amazing pieces on their heads. Today, they've launched an all new Black Label collection which is just as col...
thank you mark!
Pops of seafoam green
From top to bottom: DoubleButter, Free People, and Design*Sponge
can't wait til you're back in town, so we can hit up more places!
counting days + the perish trust...
A couple weeks ago, Meg took me to an amazing vintage shop, The Perish Trust, when I was in San Francisco for the weekend. Seriously, a stunning store that I keep thinking about over and over in my head. While there, I picked up this gold embossed wooden block perpetual calendar that I just ...
her portfolio is AMAZING!
lust list...
...riding on a sea of balloons, playing dress-up, a rainbow field, and a seaside adventure with friends... {styling and set decoration by shona heath}
meg mateo ilasco is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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