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Matt Haughey
Recent Activity
What is the URL to be blocked so I can add it to my own site's block list?
1 reply
I showed this to Anil the other day and he said it was terrible and turned it off after 30 seconds. I couldn't believe it. It's GENIUS.
Toggle Commented Oct 24, 2008 on palin song / different trains at
1 reply
That is the best 1yr old costume ever ever ever.
Toggle Commented Oct 20, 2008 on The Saddest and/or Greatest Costume Ever! at Nested
1 reply
I'm wondering if more accountability could be achieved through tools that tracked all your comments across blogs, for both making comments feel more valuable by being easy to read and share with people that follow you (I left five comments today on four different sites, go check them out!) and maybe another benefit would be that maybe people would feel they had a reputation to uphold and apply some social pressure to not be an asshole? (I used typekey so we should get some extra good food)
Toggle Commented Aug 28, 2008 on commenting on commenting at
1 reply
Yay! Great to see you back.
Toggle Commented Mar 17, 2008 on Proud to Be Me at Dollarshort
1 reply
We've had birthday parties with no gifts for our daughter, and everyone seems to think that's fine. She's 2 and barely gets the concept of free gifts, and much prefers eating cupcakes with half a dozen friends. Asking parents to donate to a charity seems like too much, especially given that among my daughter's friends and their parents, the politics among all of them would make picking a single worthy charity that no one could find fault with almost impossible.
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2007 on "Gift-Free" Birthday Parties for Kids at Nested
1 reply
Install TiVotool. It should be able to read .tivo files in iTunes
1 reply
The only way to speed things up is using a wired ethernet adapter that is usb 2.0 (newer tivo boxes can do 2.0). But then still on a 100Mb wired network, the fastest transfers I've heard are about 2-3x the real-time transfer rate. So it's still slow.
Toggle Commented Nov 21, 2005 on problem one: it's way too slow at
1 reply
I'd start the "I actually *liked* Spanglish" fan club, if there would ever be another member beyond me.
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After a recent move, I found myself in the same boat. I am shooting for no longer owning or displaying any computer books in my home office. If I really needed to know something from a 1999 javascript book, I'm sure Google has a better answer than the dead trees crowding my shelf.
Toggle Commented Nov 14, 2005 on when in doubt, delete. at
1 reply
I'm using FF 1.5 alpha 1, maybe it's a new feature they snunk in.
Toggle Commented Sep 22, 2005 on My other blog at
1 reply
Are you actually making favicons for every image on your photo blog? I just noticed when looking at a few of the large images, the favicon matched. I've never seen that before, how'd you do it?
Toggle Commented Sep 22, 2005 on My other blog at
1 reply
woo hoo! 37BetterMotors inches one step closer to reality.
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2005 on messages from your car at
1 reply
You didn't use a calculator?
Toggle Commented Aug 29, 2005 on Math Quiz! at
1 reply
10/10! Anil would be proud that I've taken to using excel instead of a calculator.
Toggle Commented Aug 29, 2005 on Math Quiz! at
1 reply