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Matt Metzgar
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Posted Oct 15, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
Transfer in Progress
I'm moving my blog to a new server, so there may be temporary disruptions. Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
Yep, Clarence walks after dinner and goes to bed early. Two "little" things that I think are really major drivers of health.
As to studies, there is the Bahadori leanness program which is at least similar:
Exercise Timing and Weight Loss
I meant to post this a few weeks ago, but never got around to it. I did some experiments to confirm that post-dinner exercise has special effects. Here's what I found over the course of a few experiments. If I exercised before breakfast in the morning (fasted), then I would end up eating more ...
When Hits Are Your Currency
I finally made some progress on this whole internet/social media thing that has been bugging me since AHS12. So here's my hypothesis: I think the internet has pushed people more towards approval seeking. Here's an example. Let's say you post... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
Mostly low-level cardio. Though I have tried weights, at least lighter weights, in the evening and it was fine.
Also, this is usually an hour or two after dinner. Doesn't seem to effect sleep, at least for me.
Exercise Timing and Weight Loss
I meant to post this a few weeks ago, but never got around to it. I did some experiments to confirm that post-dinner exercise has special effects. Here's what I found over the course of a few experiments. If I exercised before breakfast in the morning (fasted), then I would end up eating more ...
Exercise Timing and Weight Loss
I meant to post this a few weeks ago, but never got around to it. I did some experiments to confirm that post-dinner exercise has special effects. Here's what I found over the course of a few experiments. If I... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
Weight Gain in a Nutshell
I observed some interesting things regarding health on my recent international trip. Basically, I could see the process of my "How to Lose Weight" page in reverse. Due to flight schedules, I ended up with less sleep than usual. And... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
Back From Monterrey
I was down in Monterrey, Mexico, for work. It was an interesting trip, but very busy. Probably the most surprising thing was how "Americanized" this part of Mexico was. In the mall I visited, there were many American stores -... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
I just tried and it worked for me. Email me if you can't get it.
New Sustainability Paper Published
I just had my research paper published this week, "Sustainability of Natural Movement Activity", published in the journal, Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy. This one has free full-text, so you can read the article online. The article shows how outdoor, natural activity (think walking ...
Monterrey, Mexico
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Posted Sep 30, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
Successful Gait Retraining
Here's an interesting report(pdf) on successful gait retraining. They used real-time feedback to counteract overstriding (acceleration of the tibia). Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
Running On Grass Reduces Forces
Here's a study I read earlier this year. It shows how running on grass leads to less plantar forces than running on concrete. Though this result seems obvious to me, there still seems to be some debate on the issue.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
I agree this is what they did. They did "tread lightly" in the recommendations so to speak.
Book Review: Tread Lightly
I am mostly through the new book, "Tread Lightly" by Pete Larson and Bill Katovsky. Overall, I think it is a really solid book. Is it great? Well... maybe my expectations are too high. I mostly agree with the things discussed in the book so I'll stick to areas of disagreement or confusion. T...
Scarecrow by John Mellencamp
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Posted Sep 23, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
Run Like There's Someone In Front of You
Following up on my overstriding post, one of the most effective "cues" I've learned to combat this is to run like there is someone in front of you. The idea is you wouldn't want to kick the person you are... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
I actually have a pair of the altras.
The Central Running Problem
After reading and experimenting more, I coming to the conclusion that almost all running problems, injuries, etc., stem from one central issue: overstriding. In the last post, it was shown that both forefoot and rearfoot runners experienced running injuries. Clearly, just switching to a forefoo...
Seems possible to me...
The Central Running Problem
After reading and experimenting more, I coming to the conclusion that almost all running problems, injuries, etc., stem from one central issue: overstriding. In the last post, it was shown that both forefoot and rearfoot runners experienced running injuries. Clearly, just switching to a forefoo...
Learning From Direct Physical Experience
I am reaching the point with running that reading any more or researching any more about it is doing me no good. These last couple weeks I have tried to rely more on learning from direct physical experience and thinking... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
Book Review: Tread Lightly
I am mostly through the new book, "Tread Lightly" by Pete Larson and Bill Katovsky. Overall, I think it is a really solid book. Is it great? Well... maybe my expectations are too high. I mostly agree with the things... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
I've thought about this too. That desire is definitely stronger when younger. Maybe it's a young hunter/old hunter type of thing.
The Central Running Problem
After reading and experimenting more, I coming to the conclusion that almost all running problems, injuries, etc., stem from one central issue: overstriding. In the last post, it was shown that both forefoot and rearfoot runners experienced running injuries. Clearly, just switching to a forefoo...
Very good. I have been taken many wrong detours in running over the years...
The Central Running Problem
After reading and experimenting more, I coming to the conclusion that almost all running problems, injuries, etc., stem from one central issue: overstriding. In the last post, it was shown that both forefoot and rearfoot runners experienced running injuries. Clearly, just switching to a forefoo...
The Central Running Problem
After reading and experimenting more, I coming to the conclusion that almost all running problems, injuries, etc., stem from one central issue: overstriding. In the last post, it was shown that both forefoot and rearfoot runners experienced running injuries. Clearly,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
Footstrike and Running Injuries
I was reading through the new Harvard study on how footstrike affects injuries. From the abstract: "Approximately 74% of runners experienced a moderate or severe injury each year, but those who habitually rearfoot strike had approximately twice the rate of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2012 at Matt Metzgar
Thanks Rod, I will check it out.
Running Without Thinking
I was doing some experimenting last night (again) with running, and I think I've come up with something. I believe that trying to consciously "pick up my feet" has been the factor that has been actually slowing me down. As the quotes below show, putting too much conscious thought into running ...
I was out running this morning, looking for that same effortless feeling you talk about it. It comes and goes for me as well.
Running Without Thinking
I was doing some experimenting last night (again) with running, and I think I've come up with something. I believe that trying to consciously "pick up my feet" has been the factor that has been actually slowing me down. As the quotes below show, putting too much conscious thought into running ...
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