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I'll post information here but we'll also develop other media outlets to broadcast details and updates.
Seth Godin and Porterbrook
A few days ago, Seth Godin posed three questions about the future of higher education: Should it be scarce or abundant? Should it be free or expensive? Should it be about school or learning? Then reminding us that there are eight combinations of the three choices, he predicts that 'the free, a...
Praying now...
Please Pray for Molly
As most of you know my wife Molly had brain surgery last summer for Chiari I Malformation, and as I said a few weeks back her symptoms have returned...all but the most serious and difficult. Well, now ALL her symptoms are back now with the addition of a few others I've mentioned before (jolts...
Steve, I'm with you on this. Both personally and as lead pastor here at Christ Church, the need for evangelism to become a more regular and organic part of my life is very much on my heart and mind as the year begins. I look forward to posts to come and know that you've got guys in the foxhole fighting the same battle.
Evangelism 2008
I decided a couple of weeks ago that as I welcomed in the new year I was going to make this a year of more focused evangelism. I don't know how much of what I'm doing will translate into blog posts, but I assume it will consume a lot of what I say at Reformissionary since it will consume a lo...
Steve - this is a fantastic idea and your blog casts a broad enough net to provide all of us with a great resource for an area of ministry that for whatever reason lacks such resources.
Mission to Suburbia Resource Page
I've started a new resource page called Mission to Suburbia (notice a link near the top of the left sidebar of my blog). There isn't much there yet, but I wanted to mention it to you all and ask for your help in finding missional, theological, statistical resources (books, articles, blogs, po...
It's sad because you don't want shows that you love to completely go in the tank and while I popped when I saw the trailer that had Tony 'back from the dead', I'm skeptical and wondering if the entire franchise isn't going down the toilet. That said, I'd much rather Season 7 get here so we can all make our own evaluations.
Oh No!!!
I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.
Steve - While I have no confidence in the ability of this year's version of the Cubs to pull through, they are making it fun. The 5-4 win on Wednesday was fun to watch - first game that felt like a playoff game during the regular season since the Cardinals series in September 2003.
And amen to Danny's comment about Dusty Baker. I know he's created in the image of God but that man earned more than a few imprecatory prayers as our manager.
Go Cubbies!
The Cubs are now in 1st place in the NL Central thanks to a great mid-summer stretch of exciting, well-coached (rare in these parts) baseball. From Sportsline... The Cubs, who were 8½ games behind on June 23, finally overcame the Milwaukee Brewers -- at least for a day. Chicago's win, cou...
Day late and a dollar short, but Sufjan's Christmas collection is growing on me. I have to admit that I don't really get the hype about him, which as a 31 year-old usually buys me alot of strange looks from all the cool kids in my church. There are still moments when I listen to some of the songs and wonder what the appeal is, but I'm really enjoying some of the arrangements...
Also, just so Matthew has someone else on here recommending the 'Your King Has Come' CD, I'd encourage you to buy it immediately, along with Matthew's solo CDs and his projects with Indelible Grace. Very, very good musically and lyrically.
Music Monday 12.4.06
It's time to talk Christmas music. Granted, I'm not the foremost expert on Christmas music. Nor do I want to be or ever intend to be. I'd rather get a CD I can listen to after the holidays are over and all year round. But there are times to drop a few bucks on Christmas music. One of those...
I was hoping we'd get Joe Girardi and I'm concerned that Lou is just an angry Dusty Baker who is apt to abuse his pitching staff (and please, please, please don't bring back Larry Rothschild as pitching coach) and doesn't know what to do with younger players.
I'll take A-Rod if we don't have to get rid of A-Ram at 3B...
Cubs to Hire Piniella
Hope in Wrigleyville?
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