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matt morgan
Recent Activity
You've never loved a marshmallow until you've made them yourself. These melt-in-your-mouth clouds put store bought marshmallows to shame. You can flavor these with mint or almond extract and/or dip them in chocolate or colored sugar for tasty gifts but even plain these easy treats will disappear rapidly. Homemade Marshmallows... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2010 at christmas
Matt and I used to enjoy sharing a molasses cookie over coffee from Starbucks, a perfect combo. It has been our yearly treat as we drive the kids around town in their pj's to see the houses all dolled up in Christmas lights...but then, to our disappointment, Starbucks discontinued this... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2010 at christmas
I've had these in my recipe arsenal for some time. I used to make them for gifts - their sweet crunch is addictive. They would make a great stocking stuffer too, if you can keep from eating them all yourself. candied pecans 3 C pecan halves 2 tbls butter 1/2... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2010 at christmas
Tricia adapted this recipe from a traditional italian ricotta cookie recipe. These are a nice change from the usual Christmas sugar cookie - but are just as easy and exceptionally soft. light and fluffy eggnog cookies 1/2 lb butter 1 1/2 C white sugar 1 egg 1/4 C eggnog 15... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2010 at christmas
This is a Tricia original, though it is so simple, I'm sure I can't be the only person to have done this. It started with wanting to bring something easy to my neighborhood cookie exchange and being underwhelmed by the usual peppermint bark. I love that the cookies stay crunchy... Continue reading
Posted Jul 9, 2010 at christmas
This isn't like the sweet potato pies you might buy at the grocery store. It isn't a pumpkin pie but with sweet potato substituted in place of pumpkin. It is a true custard, mild, sweet, and delicate with subtle spices. The recipe comes from the kitchen of my Grandma Merrill.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 9, 2010 at christmas
This recipe is one of Tricia's. It is a variation on a traditional oatmeal cookie which has just enough peanut butter to be very tasty but not overwhelming. A plate of these never lasts and brings together three of my most favorite ingredients - peanut butter, chocolate, and oatmeal -... Continue reading
Posted Jul 3, 2010 at christmas
This recipe comes from Tricia's Grandma Merrill, who I believe obtained it through a woman who once worked for her named Theodocia. It is a common household recipe - a boiled raisin cake - dating back to the time of the Civil War when some items, such as white sugar,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 3, 2010 at christmas
This light and creamy pie hails from the cafeteria of Matt's parents' Alma Mater - Gustav Davidson. Polly secured the recipe and later used her amazing culinary skills to perfectly pair it with the best raspberry sauce. The pie has since been a Morgan favorite and debuted repeatedly at family... Continue reading
Posted Jul 3, 2010 at christmas
I can't remember exactly where this recipe comes from other than my mom got hold of it somehow. What I do remember is that folk who attend churches that frequently hold potluck meals are sometimes very protective of their recipes. Understandably - once you've got hold of something that you... Continue reading
Posted Jul 3, 2010 at christmas
matt morgan is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hey man, Happy Birthday to your kid! My oldest turns 3 today! m
Toggle Commented Dec 13, 2006 on Sporty Turns 7! at BabuLife
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