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Coach Matt
long island
proud ny-er who loves his Family, Friends, Neighbors, Hoops and Beer.
Interests: all
Recent Activity
GM America!!!! I can NOT stand when people block the "box" w/ their vehicles. NEVER block an intersection; I want to purchase an old car and... Have a great Thursday, God Bless!!! Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2013 at It's Always Miller Time
Hola! Hello and good morning fiends of Carlos Slim. Como estas? How are you (today)? Before I go in too many tangents, I thought I would share a link about another hot topic in Mexico: the rise in popularity of Mexican - Narco films: One has to wonder that with the rising of popularity and the extent that this will potentially influence Mexican diaspora globally; how long will it take before their government begins to "ban" this genre of film..... Something to ponder. Carlos Slim...Do I buy some more TV satellites, cable, stations??? Do I dive deeper into telecommunications... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2011 at Global Media News
Freedom of Speech. Something we here in the USA take for granted. I think it's a close tie for first with having the right to vote. Anyway, over in Iran,since June 2009; there have been well over 2,000 journalists, students, other activists and the like who have either been jailed, imprisoned, beaten up and/or placed under house-arrest Iranian government. One such person is Zhila Baniyaghoub. She is an Iranian humanrights activist and journalist who was arrested and in June 2010 was accused of dispersing propaganda against the Iranian government, specifically for comments directed towards the president. As of last week,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2011 at Global Media News
There is corruption in every country all over the world. I came upon this recent submission from an AOL on-line feature reporting the ongoing obstacles facing the scheduling of the 2013 Lusofonia Games in Goa. Lusofonia Games organisers ask media to help spot graft Indo Asian News Service Panaji, March 7 (IANS) Learning a lesson from the multi-million rupee scams tumbling out before and after the 2010 Commonwealth Games (CWG) in New Delhi, the organisers of the 2013 Lusofonia Games in Goa Monday sought media's help to spot any graft. Similar to the Commonwealth Games, which see the participation of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at Global Media News
A text message from one opponent to the other the day before their match is being reviewed by local authorities in Japan for fear of "rigging " the match between the two athletes. It is one of the many pieces of evidence flowing in to both the Wrestling Fedration and the police jeopardizing the time-honored sport in the eyes of both the pure fanatics and the long - standing followers of their beloved sport. “Please hit hard at the face-off, then go with the flow,” one of the wrestlers, Kiyoseumi, texted on the afternoon of May 10, according to a... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2011 at Global Media News
The history of British media can be traced all the way back to the late 17th century with the publication of the Worcester Postman. This was used as a device for town criers and gossipers; nothing more than today's version of a tabloid. A great timeline is featured at the Newspaper Society's site( I tried multiple time trying to "link" it). It's truly amazing the great strides that have been made: newspaper, postcards, magazines, telegraph, telephone, radio, television, Cable Networks, the Internet and personal/handheld devices(such as the cell phone and Ipad). A current saga is that of educaters being allowed... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2011 at Global Media News
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Jan 31, 2011