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Matt Stevens
Recent Activity
How he got started:
How Jonathan Coulton Made $500,000 Last Year As A D.I.Y. Musician
(UPDATED) Last year d.y.i. musician Jonathan Coulton grossed about $500,000 from his music career; and because he's a mostly solo artist with low overhead, he got to keep most of it. Coutlon never expected to make this kind of money as a musician. "This is absurd," he told Planet Money. But i...
Live tracks and unreleased tracks - some bands won't allow music on itunes ie Beatles King Crimson etc
Trent Reznor Understands Why Fans File-Share Music; Why? Because He Does It Too.
In an interview with Drowned In Sound, Trent Reznor talks about his role in the movie The Social Network. Further into the talk, he gave an interesting insight into file-sharing and his understanding of it. He grasps what motivates fans to file-share music, because he does it himself. Rather t...
I really like your writing Dick - excellent work
DAYS Long, quiet, solitary days with Emma and the...
DAYS Long, quiet, solitary days with Emma and the kids at school. I move around the house at a leisurely pace, less wraith and more cautious charlie now. I feel very much better. The stigmata - the five symmetrically-placed holes via which the robotic operation was managed - have all-but heale...
Matt Stevens is now following Mr.Quiet
May 26, 2010
Hey - love hypebot.
Happy thanksgiving - my name is matt i do acoustic guitar stuff -
Introduce Yourself To The Hypebot Community
It's become a tradition for Hypebot to host online networking party. For those readers outside the U.S., this time it's pre-Thanksgiving and the music business here shuts down here for four days. (F.Y.I. Hypebot will be publishing, though on a bit lighter schedule.) This is one of those days w...
Matt Stevens is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 25, 2009
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