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Mar 15, 2010
Biden would take over only if Barack is deemed ineligible AFTER the electoral college votes on 12/15.
Here's a long discussion thread about the article over at That site is run by Lucianne Goldberg (Jonah's mom), and although it's conservative, it's not a fringe site.
Tin Foil Time
Questions about Barack Obama's citizenship just don't seem to die in certain corners of the internet. Was he actually born in the US? If so, did he renounce his citizenship while living in Indonesia? What does it mean to be a "natural born" citizen? Do his sealed Columbia school records show he ...
"My opinion would change if it could be irrefutably demonstrated that Obama knew he was ineligible and proceeded to cover it up .."
Well that's what a lot of these folks are arguing---that he IS actively hiding something. He puts a certificate up on one of his campaign's websites, then takes it down when questions of its authenticity arise. He spend hundreds of thousands fighting multiple lawsuits on this issue (one has made it to the SCOTUS). He visits his mom, and while there, gets his "Certificate Of Live Birth" (different from a birth certificate) locked up. He seals his Columbia records. Etc, etc...
Why not just produce the thing? Could there be something else on it? Religion? Father?
Tin Foil Time
Questions about Barack Obama's citizenship just don't seem to die in certain corners of the internet. Was he actually born in the US? If so, did he renounce his citizenship while living in Indonesia? What does it mean to be a "natural born" citizen? Do his sealed Columbia school records show he ...
That was a very persuasive justification for wasting time. Well done!
I've been on both sides of the gaming aisle. In the late 80s I wasted countless hours mastering the Mac game "Dark Castle". You're right, I did it because it was fun (as well as challenging). Now, I could care less about most computer games.
I think there may be an age factor here. People tend to outgrow games. I'm not saying that's good or bad, hell, people outgrow sex.
Guitar Villain
One of the benefits of being an adult whose kids are pretty much out of the house is that you become blissfully detached from computer gaming trends. Not ignorant of them, mind you. That's almost impossible. But you don't have to buy the games, watch people play them, or worry about them corru...
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