Eileen McCorry’s Favorites

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Do you ever have one of those moments in life where you think, “I don’t want to be an adult anymore.” Like, stop the ride,! I want OFFFF!!!!! It doesn’t necessarily even have to be in the middle of a major crisis, it can just be one of those moments... Continue »
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Apparently it is quite difficult to write a blog with a bear on your back. Last week my sister was in London on business so I was taking care of little Terr-bear during the day and doing double duty and helping my brother-in-law with him at night. Add to that... Continue »
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This week has been hectic so I haven’t been able to blog. We are in the midst of planning and preparing for Terr-bear’s first birthday this Saturday. It is going to be an amazing party for a wonderful little guy and he is a major cause for celebration. He is... Continue »
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I changed the layout on the blog! And I added my lists to the right column! Now, I know, for some people, this is not a big deal, but it took me hours last night to figure it out. Seriously. Stop snickering. It is a BIG DEAL to me. For... Continue »
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On Saturday my friend Bunny threw an amazing pigroast and BBQ on the beach. It was a perfect June day, the weather was warm with a summer breeze coming off Long Island Sound, the water was sparkling in the sun, the sand was cool underfoot, some trees provided a few... Continue »
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I am finally getting around to posting my life list. It was my year long list that had started me on this whole journey and I am loving how open, enthusiastic and hopeful setting out to achieve my goals in the next 11 months has made me feel. I recommend... Continue »
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Last Friday I was strolling through town with two of my sisters and Terr-bear when my sister Robin stopped and picked up a brochure, it was for the Avon Breast Cancer Two Day Walk. It’s a two day walk in October to raise money and awareness for breast cancer. My... Continue »
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So I joined Twitter because part of the whole getting my blog out there and proclaiming my intentions into cyberspace apparently includes tweeting. I simply don’t get it. As I have previously mentioned I am completely tech ignorant, but, really? Do we need to know what we are all doing... Continue »
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Sisters are such a remarkable thing. They are very different from friends, friends we may at times have to explain ourselves to. Sisters know our history, they shared it. Very little explanation is needed, even if they don’t necessarily share our hang-ups, they understand where they came from and why... Continue »
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For whatever reason growing up food was always a big deal in my house. Before you say "Well, wasn't in most homes?" It was a little bit of an obsession for us. My sister once literally O.D.'d on Flintstone vitamins. Those little guys were delish! I would've beat her to... Continue »
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This morning when I was driving my sister to the train she said she’d love to read Terr-Bear's blog, his view of life spending his days with me. I have a feeling the title of his blog would be The Bear and the Blabbermouth. I have always been a major... Continue »