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Lorrie McCullers
Recent Activity
Lorrie McCullers is now following Altered Angel
Mar 3, 2011
This class looks exactly like something I want to do! Thanks, ladies, for this opportunity!
celebrate your inner artist...
first of all i wanted to thank you all for the positive feedback on Vintage Whimsy... i am really excited about this line... it really speaks to everything i love that is vintage... more sneaks this week! now for that surprise I was talking about yesterday... i know i talk about my dear friend ...
So glad you are back! And just let me know the next time you want to craft... we WILL get together soon!!!
OK I'm back!
Yes, it has been a very long time. Ok let me be honest a very very long time since I blogged. Life has changed in such amazing ways for me and the kids in the past 7 months. The kids are growing and I am now working from home and loving it. Change is good and I am loving it. The kids are thrivin...
Lorrie McCullers is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 10, 2011
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