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David 父 McDonald
Recent Activity
Just as an aside, i see Baldock complimenting Cole this season. I think it will be a magical partnership. Long or short to Cole, obvious misplaced control by him and BANG! Baldock in for the sublime goal!!!!!
West Ham v Portsmouth Preview
I hate Internationals when they mean we have to wait two weeks to see our team. The fact that it came after the transfer window makes it worse, with fans keen to see the new signings in action. On the flip side, it gives the new boys time to bed in and get to know their new surroundings, befor...
I see nothing but a Hammers win in this game....But, BFS MUST adopt at least an attacking 442 formation. I have no problem playing 451 away from home, then and depending on the score of course, adopting 531 or back to 442.
For me:
O'Brien Tomkins Reid McCartney
Bentley Noble Nolan Taylor
Cole Baldock
Bench : Carew Boffin Lansbury Piq Faye
West Ham v Portsmouth Preview
I hate Internationals when they mean we have to wait two weeks to see our team. The fact that it came after the transfer window makes it worse, with fans keen to see the new signings in action. On the flip side, it gives the new boys time to bed in and get to know their new surroundings, befor...
David 父 McDonald is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 8, 2011
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