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Daily Routines
Recent Activity
Hi, Bob -- Yes, the book will be released for iBooks. You can pre-order it from the iBookstore now.
Daily Routines (the blog) is now Daily Rituals (the book)
I launched Daily Routines on a Sunday afternoon in July 2007, while procrastinating on a writing assignment due the following day. It was intended as a hobby, and for the first year and a half I had a readership of about a dozen friends, coworkers, and family members. Then, in December 2008, S...
Thanks, Nick. And good question. Of the 161 people in the book, 33 of them also appear here on the blog -- but, in almost all of those cases, the description of their routine in the book has been better researched and more fleshed out than what you'll find on the blog.
Daily Routines (the blog) is now Daily Rituals (the book)
I launched Daily Routines on a Sunday afternoon in July 2007, while procrastinating on a writing assignment due the following day. It was intended as a hobby, and for the first year and a half I had a readership of about a dozen friends, coworkers, and family members. Then, in December 2008, S...
Daily Routines is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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