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what is this sport called--am i getting it right--hockey? they play it on ice? crazy.
No long missives here about last night's beautiful victory. Just a smile, a picture, and a quick thought. The Bruins, a long love of ours that faded when Joe Thornton was traded and came back to life in time to see the team squander an historic 3-0 series and game lead against Philly, won the...
i remember 77. the snow outside our building was over my head.
The Great White Hope
I hear they're picking on us up in Beantown, rank amateurs that we are down here in NYC when it comes to snow removal. We took it on the chin, no doubt about it; as I write, a good day and a half since the white started falling, my Brooklyn block remains unplowed, virgin powder from end to end...
Thanks everyone!
This post is not about a free agent contract, or cash considerations sent in order to assume a bad Omar Minaya signing. It is, rather, about the number of page views this site has received over the past six years since we moved this blog to Typepad - we passed the 3M threshold sometime in the la...
ray ray got the better of paul last week, and i think i'll pass on shoot first/no-d melo, at least until next year. give us a backup pg and some frontcourt help and we're in good shape. maybe not a championship contender this season, but definitely a candidate to knock out some unsuspecting, underperforming 2/3 seed in rd. 1.
And Now for Something Completely Different
What a busy couple of weeks on the hot stove. I've been enjoying it from afar, happy especially to see this site rejuvenated a little bit. I will admit that, this fall, my attention has been turned elsewhere. The Yanks have always been and will remain my first sporting love, but the Knicks have ...
ripped. ouch. but maybe someone should let the fox booth know that the yank 8 and 9 hitters have been doing fine vs. leftys.
Yanks at Minny: ALDS Gamer I
Jeter leads off with Swisher, Teix, ARod, Cano, Thames, Posada, Granderson, and Gardner following. They will face Francisco Liriano, while C.C. Sabathia looks to shut down the Twins as we get this Post underway. Cliff Lee went seven full to lead Texas in a 5-1 humbling of the Rays, whose Price ...
phenomenal play.
Yanks at Minny: ALDS Gamer I
Jeter leads off with Swisher, Teix, ARod, Cano, Thames, Posada, Granderson, and Gardner following. They will face Francisco Liriano, while C.C. Sabathia looks to shut down the Twins as we get this Post underway. Cliff Lee went seven full to lead Texas in a 5-1 humbling of the Rays, whose Price ...
with the cisco kid, who needs jorge?
The Good Stuff: Yanks-Sox Gamer V
Saturday afternoon baseball with the Sox and Yanks head-to-head at Fenway. And not blacked out. Yep, good stuff. C.C. Sabathia faces Clay Buchholz. Here's hoping for an exciting game (weather permitting) and for tempers to stay simmered down. Comment away.
thanks. nice that they don't run any kind of indication on fox. grrr.
The Good Stuff: Yanks-Sox Gamer V
Saturday afternoon baseball with the Sox and Yanks head-to-head at Fenway. And not blacked out. Yep, good stuff. C.C. Sabathia faces Clay Buchholz. Here's hoping for an exciting game (weather permitting) and for tempers to stay simmered down. Comment away.
where is the goddamn game?
The Good Stuff: Yanks-Sox Gamer V
Saturday afternoon baseball with the Sox and Yanks head-to-head at Fenway. And not blacked out. Yep, good stuff. C.C. Sabathia faces Clay Buchholz. Here's hoping for an exciting game (weather permitting) and for tempers to stay simmered down. Comment away.
go yanks. tough bottom of the order. askin' a lot from cc today.
The Good Stuff: Yanks-Sox Gamer V
Saturday afternoon baseball with the Sox and Yanks head-to-head at Fenway. And not blacked out. Yep, good stuff. C.C. Sabathia faces Clay Buchholz. Here's hoping for an exciting game (weather permitting) and for tempers to stay simmered down. Comment away.
through 7! might be a tough call for girardi if he keeps it up. at 85 pitches. what's his max? 120?
superfun, even if it's the a's in oakland.
Oaktown Revisited: Yanks-A's Gamer II
Phil Hughes and Ben Sheets for more left-coast late-night baseball action. Comment away.
oof. pena 2 run jack. saw it coming. vaz straight and in the zone.
Return of the Vaz: Yanks-Rays Gamer I
We're late, so have at it. Price on the hill for the Tampas.
as tino points out, he kinda gave himself up there to ensure johnson got home, but the rays failed the cutoff and then tossed it away.
i wonder how that works with the advanced baserunning stats. alex deserves a plus 2. that was a double. he got 4 bases out of it, and 2 runs.
Return of the Vaz: Yanks-Rays Gamer I
We're late, so have at it. Price on the hill for the Tampas.
Alex! double turns into an inside the parker! 2-0
Return of the Vaz: Yanks-Rays Gamer I
We're late, so have at it. Price on the hill for the Tampas.
jetes down 4-3, endofthreat.
Return of the Vaz: Yanks-Rays Gamer I
We're late, so have at it. Price on the hill for the Tampas.
grandy: overmatched. k.
Return of the Vaz: Yanks-Rays Gamer I
We're late, so have at it. Price on the hill for the Tampas.
thames out just barely as longoria the great muffs, swish to 2nd.
Return of the Vaz: Yanks-Rays Gamer I
We're late, so have at it. Price on the hill for the Tampas.
leadofff bb for swishalicous in the 3rd breaks up price's perfecto.
Return of the Vaz: Yanks-Rays Gamer I
We're late, so have at it. Price on the hill for the Tampas.
nice to see the vaz squirm out of a jam in the 2nd there.
tino, meanwhile, pronouncing his name "vaz-kwez". isn't it "vaz-kez"?
Return of the Vaz: Yanks-Rays Gamer I
We're late, so have at it. Price on the hill for the Tampas.
As if we all needed another reason to love Mo. It's a shame they're not in Boston again tonight because I bet if he came on he'd get a standing O just for that comment.
West is right that the modern game is too long, but come on. [they also start too late, cost too much.....] We want MORE yanks-sox. what we don't want is a 4 hour o's-rays game. hustling the players along is fine, but they're going to have to do it EVERY night to change the culture, if that's they're game. and singling out teams that take a lot of pitches is not the answer.
also, yeah, call the effin' strike zone.
Joe Dirt
Umpire Joe West calls out the Sox and Yanks: "They're the two clubs that don't try to pick up the pace," said West, chief of the umpiring crew that worked the three-game series in Boston. He was the home plate umpire Sunday. "They're two of the best teams in baseball. Why are they playing the sl...
start spreadin' the news.
Rubber Match: Yanks-Sox Gamer III
The saying has been for some time that the Halos had the Yankees number. At least in the case of John Lackey, for some reason the Angels didn't give him the digits. But that's history; he's for Boston now, bringing his remarkably consistent and excellent pitching career to Fenway for his first st...
jeter bb.
exits paps, bs.
Rubber Match: Yanks-Sox Gamer III
The saying has been for some time that the Halos had the Yankees number. At least in the case of John Lackey, for some reason the Angels didn't give him the digits. But that's history; he's for Boston now, bringing his remarkably consistent and excellent pitching career to Fenway for his first st...
"the grandy man"? oh good lord.
wearing down paps. this is clearly gonna come back to haunt the sox in september.
Rubber Match: Yanks-Sox Gamer III
The saying has been for some time that the Halos had the Yankees number. At least in the case of John Lackey, for some reason the Angels didn't give him the digits. But that's history; he's for Boston now, bringing his remarkably consistent and excellent pitching career to Fenway for his first st...
thought they had him but i guess they just missed the tag. deserved to be out.
Rubber Match: Yanks-Sox Gamer III
The saying has been for some time that the Halos had the Yankees number. At least in the case of John Lackey, for some reason the Angels didn't give him the digits. But that's history; he's for Boston now, bringing his remarkably consistent and excellent pitching career to Fenway for his first st...
swish K. ugh.
so far grandy not making anyone pine for jd.
Rubber Match: Yanks-Sox Gamer III
The saying has been for some time that the Halos had the Yankees number. At least in the case of John Lackey, for some reason the Angels didn't give him the digits. But that's history; he's for Boston now, bringing his remarkably consistent and excellent pitching career to Fenway for his first st...
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