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Recent Activity
If talking to your cats is a sign you need a vacation, then I've needed about eleventy-billion vacations for the past year. Eep.
in which a suitcase is packed
Tomorrow morning, I'm going to get into a giant aluminium tube and fly across the continent to America's Wang. Then, on Sunday, I'll get on a boat and spend a week doing nerdy stuff with nerds in the middle of the ocean. It should be pretty awesome. Earlier today, I folded my laundry, and put it...
I really wanted to give Colin a hug last night. And the entire cast and crew. But as I said to him, I'm so very grateful to everyone involved for having it around as long as it has been.
Saying goodbye to Eureka
Last year, my friend Amy told me she was moving from writing Leverage to writing Eureka. She asked me if I was interested in playing a scientist who was kind of a jerk. I said "yes" as fast as I could, and ended up playing Doctor Isaac Parrish for seven of the ten episodes in season 4.5. When se...
Man, I love and hate it when you write and it breaks my freakin' heart a little.
Though I hadn't seen him in over twenty years, I knew I'd miss him forever
I stood in the lobby of the Falcon Theater in Toluca Lake, and looked at Twitter while I waited for the rest of the guys to arrive. The walls were covered with posters from productions like CHiPs: The Musical and It's A Stevie Wonderful Life. Being in a theater during the day, when it's just a b...
Melly is now following Sweetney
Dec 10, 2009
Melly is now following Erin Vale
Dec 10, 2009
Ha! To this day, I cannot drink Early Grey tea without at least muttering that under my breath.
Hey look! It's the Memories of the Futuremug!
It turns out that all this talk about getting excited and making things, uh, got me excited to make something. I don't remember the precise moment this hit me, but I'm pretty sure it happened during one of those times I felt stuck on a story or something, and decided to get out of my office and ...
Melly is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 9, 2009
Melly is now following Wil
Sep 12, 2009
Melly is now following iPhoneHacks
Sep 12, 2009
Melly is now following Zachary Quinto
Sep 12, 2009
Oh Wil, I am so sorry. Like many others who've been here with you for years, I've loved your stories about Ferris, worried about her when she was sick, rejoiced when she was better, and smiled whenever you talked about her, because I know how much you adored each other.
Relationships with our animals are the most complex and simple at the same time. We love them so deeply and fiercely for such a short time, and they bring such joy, but it's the short time that makes their passing most often seem that much more heart wrenching.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
through the fish-eyed lens of tear stained eyes
My dog Ferris, who was rescued from a bus stop in Monrovia by my wife Anne almost exactly 8 years ago, had a heart attack and died this morning. It happened very quickly, and I was with her, which is supposed to make me feel better, but at this moment all I can feel is nearly-unbearable sorrow, ...
Hi Wil,
It's interesting that you're commenting on the issue of actor's rights when it comes to online replays - in Canada the actor's union, ACTRA, is currently striking mainly because of that reason. They want to have some assurance they will receive compensation for their work being used in the new and changing world of media.
the not so super bowl
Though I really enjoy (and used to play) ice hockey, and enjoy soccer and baseball tremendously, I'm not a huge sports fan. I don't really live or die when teams win or lose, and until recently, I couldn't stand football. That all changed when I got HDTV. I can't quantify why, but football went ...
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