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Interests: Photography, home video, engineering, management, cars,
Recent Activity
There’s always a particular smell of burning incense when one walks through the gates of a Buddhist temple. The smoke looms around in a mist-like form. The air is difficult to breathe and some of the people’s eyes burn from the ashes around. The faithful continue to add more to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2013 at mdrazali's blog
I most assuredly concur with your opinion there. Its the VALUE FOR MONEY that counts; what you desired delivered at the lowest market price.
Thank you for dropping in. I have long since updated this blog..
I HAVE BOOKED A PROTON INSPIRA last week after much deliberation. In fact I had waited for the Waja replacement for quite sometimes now, thinking of going back to owning a 2.0 litre car from PROTON. I had previously owned a Proton Perdana 2.0 Year 1997 and have enjoyed living with it without muc...
Satu keajaiban Tuhan yang diturunkan saban hari untuk insan-insan yang ada hati untuk mengerti dan ada perasaan untuk memahami..
One advantage of morning walk is we could watch...
One advantage of morning walk is we could watch the beautiful sun rise.This is one nice example I took from Taman Perdana Putra.This place is good for walking and running..
Perlu difahami bahawa PROTON adalah satu-satunya pengeluar kereta Nasional dalam ertikata sebenar. Yang lain semuanya pengeluar nasional ciplak dan ada yang tidak segan silu menukar `badge` dalam ertikata sebenar. Tetapi mengapa pengeluar-pengeluar ini tidak menghadapi kritikan-kritikan ultra pedas sepertimana terpaksa ditempuhi PROTON?
Perlu juga difahami bahawa Pengeluar-pengeluar Kereta antarabangsa adalah gergasi dengan kapasiti dan keupayaan yang amat besar, dan telah lama berada di pasaran. Untuk PROTON membangunkan setiap model `from the ground up` adalah tidak berpijak di bumi nyata dan hanya bersandarkan ego dan `maruah bangsa` yang terpesong.
Dato' Sri Haji Syed Zainal Abidin sejak menerajui PROTON telah menggunakan otak dan pendekatan amat praktikal sehingga PROTON telah berjaya bangun daripada zaman kegelapan kerana Pengarah Urusan terdahulu yang terlalu taksub kepada `maruah bangsa` tanpa berpijak di bumi nyata.
Apabila DS Syed Zainal berjaya memasang brek dari terus tergelungsur dan melonjakkan PROTON ke hadapan, maka suara-suara sumbang dari dalam dan luar Kerajaan yang mempunyai agenda tersendiri memberikan tekanan demi tekanan kepada PROTON. Jika kita fahami bahawa industri automotif ini sejak dulu dikuasai oleh tycoon-tycoon tertentu yang terancam untuk pemasaran kereta asing dalam pasaran yang lukratif ini kerana kejayaan PROTON, kita akan faham siapa sebenarnya yang berada di belakang suara-suara sumbang ini..
PROTON perlu terus kekal menerajui industri Kereta Nasional tetapi perlu reaslistik dan tahu kemampuan sendiri. Oleh itu seluruh kekuatan PROTON perlu hanya difokus kepada model-model `bread and butter` dan bukan kepada keseluruhan segmen. Ini adalah tindakan bijak DS Syed Zainal. Dan beliau tidak berganjak di atas tekanan walau dari dalam atau luar. Syabas Dato' Sri.
Satu lagi yang kita perlu faham ialah bahawa PROTON ada LOTUS. Ini juga di atas kebijaksanaan Usahawan Melayu bernama TS Yahya yang telah mengalahkan tycoon-tycoon besar untuk membelinya. Macam-macam tekanan dikenakan kononnya untuk meningkatkan daya saing, maka perlu kerjasama dengan VW dan lain-lain gergasi antarabangsa tetapi PROTON hilang pegangan untuk menentukan arahtuju sendiri. Ini tidak ubah seperti menggadai projek, atau meng-alibabakan projek. Yang amat menyedihkan ialah tekanan ini datang dari dalam.. Kelicikan DS Syed Zainal rupa-rupanya bukan hanya dalam menerajui industri tetapi juga menahan tekanan tanpa banyak cakap (tak macam predecessornya) dan masih berjaya memegang PROTON dalam genggaman Melayu.
Dengan adanya LOTUS, PROTON kini mempunyai technical expertice setanding dengan gergasi-gergasi automotif. Teknologi Ride and Handling telah diserapkan ke dalam kereta-kereta PROTON sehingga kereta PROTON kini lebih baik daripada kereta-kereta sekelas dengannya dalam aspek ini. Walaupun begitu apa yang dihadapi oleh PROTON adalah tekanan-tekanan dari luar dan dalam. Dari mereka yang samada buta terhadap permainan tycoon-tycoon ini atau pun yang ada kepentingan sendiri dengan mendapat habuan-habuan dari mereka... Sedarlah anak bangsa.
I am a Proton Inspira 2.0L CVT. I am metallic silver in colour and named CCS 6306. And I was born on 7th Jan 2011; at least that was the date on my Birth Certificate. Although the manufactured date was marked as 2010, for all intent and purposes I was born on the 7th jan 2011. Prior to that I ...
15.10.2011; Saturday, weekend at Kuantan.As usual it is Nasi Belauk time. Today Adik got a call from her school to attend a training for end of the year school show. So it's up to us middle aged couple to enjoy the Nasi Dagang, Nasi Belauk weekend routine. Without the children... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2011 at mdrazali's blog
Thank You Bro,
Your suggestion is most welcomed. My mouth starts to water already.. :-)
Cameron Highlands tagline. Bharat Plantation. I love real tea, and combined with scones... phew...just great. However the scones here were overly thick, hence did not complement well with the cream and strawberry jam.. The jam was also rather 'cair'... I prefer the Tea and Scones of Bharat Pla...
Yess... TS Annuar Musa was the man man who turned around Kelantan from doodling at the bottom to the top spot within a short time after taking over the helm.. Now the stadium is 110% full everytime and giant screen need to be erected outside the stadium to cater for those without ticket..
Now everybody wants to be seen as having something with the Red Warriors. The fact is TS Annuar Musa has everything to be thanked for in bringing up Kelantan to top spot, from settling the players salary, to bonuses, to top training program. Now he is making a kind of aggreement with one of UK Premier League Club so that Kelantan players can have access to oversea expertice.. THis is the man who know what he is doing and know the way forward.. He is a PROJECT MANAGER!!!!!
Red Warriors in the making?
25022011200 Originally uploaded by Adibi During my beach walk at Pantai Irama yesterday morning ,I saw a dozen of these young men doing their stamina run on the beach.I tried to follow them for a few minutes but soon I was left behind.. I was very happy to see how these young men were trained....
Haha AbeDIb,
Still have some cheeky streak in you? hehehe
No,I don't want to move!
After boarding the delayed Airasia plane to return home last night,I was badly disturbed by a passenger and his wife who came to me and asked,"Can you move to this seat(showing me seat 8B) so that my wife and me could sit together?".On my row 8,four seats have already taken by us(A,C,D,F) and ...
Yes... That is one very unique seat. Is it comfortable? Looks like the ergonomics are there..
Posing as a reader;-)
Yesterday,I have problem to access my Typepad Dashboard.This morning,it is back to normal.So,I am testing by writing a short note about an old photo taken by Awang Goeng@Wan Hulaimi when I was visiting British Library with him many,many years ago.. When I saw this bronze bench that looks like...
Thanks Sensei.. I know about the VW Golf. I'll just tail behind if the driver feels in the mood to show-off.
Mine's equipped with manual by-pass, so I can skip the auto function whenever I want to.. Thanks for sharing..
I HAVE BOOKED A PROTON INSPIRA last week after much deliberation. In fact I had waited for the Waja replacement for quite sometimes now, thinking of going back to owning a 2.0 litre car from PROTON. I had previously owned a Proton Perdana 2.0 Year 1997 and have enjoyed living with it without muc...
WOW,WOW,WOW Sensei.. You sure are the road racer type, aren't you? Vios and City are city kids, but accord? Camry? Lancer GT? Did you tweak the engine, or is it standard 1.8manual? I know the mitsubishi engine can be tweaked and tuned to suit one's desire and that's one of the reason I chose this car..
I'd like to learn how you did it, if you dint mind.
I HAVE BOOKED A PROTON INSPIRA last week after much deliberation. In fact I had waited for the Waja replacement for quite sometimes now, thinking of going back to owning a 2.0 litre car from PROTON. I had previously owned a Proton Perdana 2.0 Year 1997 and have enjoyed living with it without muc...
Waktu penentu segala,
Bila tiba saat mu nanti,
Bila ada rumah ada suami,
Bila rumah diisi tangisan anak dan bayi,
Bila setiap waktumu memikirkan keluarga sendiri,
Bila keluarga sakinah mampu digarapi,
Renung balik kata ku ini,
Samada ayahmu masih berada di sini.
Anakku, Kedatangan mu membawa seribu bahgia, Dikau menambah erti dan makna kehidupan, Dikau menyempurnakan sebuah keluarga, Memenuhi ruang hidupku dengan hilai tawa, Memenuhi segenap sanubari dengan bahgia hadirmu. Anakku, Kerlipan mata mu bak embun di sinar pagi, Keayuan wajahmu bagai sulaman s...
Nice Klewang AbeDib...
That is not just a handy tool for gardening. Old folks used it to cut small trees, shrubs, clearing the area, killing snakes and other poisonous creatures and for defense against intruders. My late father kept his klewang under his bed, always near his reach..
A gift from my kampung folk..
21012011-A gift from my kampung folk.. Originally uploaded by Adibi During my recent 'balik kampung',my mother showed me this 'kelewan'.The handle is made of copper and I told my mother I like it .She said it is mine.What a lovely suprise!!! According to my mother,it was given as a gift from ...
Thanks to you AbeDib, I do write occassionally on paper despite rusty scroll writing. I think I do have some flair in creative writing because I feel good reading my on writing.. Is that angkat bakul.. I dont know. I just write what I feel.
Writing is a need?
MyMoles Originally uploaded by Adibi Yes,it is to me.I write everyday in my notebook journal and nowadays,with Facebook and blogs and emails and sms,I type almost daily.Writing is just like reading and eating-what is more important is what we read,what we eat and what we write.. Here is a not...
Hoo dragons rampaging the neighborhood.. hehehe
Happy New Year
Bangsar ViIIage Originally uploaded by AdibiTo my Chinese friends and readers,may I wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
I am a Proton Inspira 2.0L CVT. I am metallic silver in colour and named CCS 6306. And I was born on 7th Jan 2011; at least that was the date on my Birth Certificate. Although the manufactured date was marked as 2010, for all intent and purposes I was... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2011 at mdrazali's blog
TQ Abedib,
That is really something. He is passionate, uses very visual backlighting LCD projector and he has something new and interesting to tell.. I think that is the key.
Insanely great..
Sound familiar? If you are a macuser or a iPad owner,you know straight away who uses this phrase in his presentation.Yes,it is Mr Steve Jobs.Now he is on leave and some stakeholders especially shareholders are worried where Apple is going because the driver is not on the driver's seat! Let us co...
Hargailah mereka sementara ada masa untuk berbuat demikian..
Peluang yang terlepas tidak akan dapat diganti walau dengan airmata darah..
Kasih ibu..
Setelah tiga hari bersama ibu saya di kampung hujung minggu lepas,tibalah masa saya bersiap-siap untuk memasukkan pakaian saya kedalam beg untuk pulang.Ibu saya memberi dua bungkus makanan untuk dibawa pulang.Apabila saya bertanya,"Makanan apa ni Mek?",beliau menjawab makanan kegemaran saya seja...
Havent heard of Mr Job.. maybe because I'm not a Macuser.. However, presentation skil.. that is interesting.. Any link on you tube or anywhere to get a feel of how he does that??
Insanely great..
Sound familiar? If you are a macuser or a iPad owner,you know straight away who uses this phrase in his presentation.Yes,it is Mr Steve Jobs.Now he is on leave and some stakeholders especially shareholders are worried where Apple is going because the driver is not on the driver's seat! Let us co...
Alhamdulillah...syukur.. Mengharukan..
With family and friends..
All praises to my Lord,Allahu Rabbul 'Alamin for giving me another chance to have a great day with my mother,son and classmate at Pantai Irama,Bachok Kelantan.Every time,I 'balik kampung',I will go and jog at the beach either with relatives,friends or alone.Last Friday,I was blessed-my mother wa...
Itu adalah wahyu dariNya. Selain daripada Al Quran, Allah s.w.t menurunkan wahyu melalui kejadian-kejadian di dalam alam sejagat ini untuk mereka-mereka yang berfikir. Seperti buku rujukan utama, al Quran mempunyai 'links' kepada wahyu-wahyu melalui jalan lain ini...
Jalan keluar..
Setiap kita telah dan akan melalui pelbagai permasaalahan dan kesempitan dalam mengharungi arus kehidupan-lagi lama hidup lagi banyak kita akan alami.Ujian datang dalam perbagai bentuk - hal peribadi,keluarga dan kerja/biznes.Di akhir tahun 90'an,ekonomi dunia dan Malaysia mengalami resession da...
Way to go my friend.. on eve of new year our number goes up by one but not necessarily our biological age.. yours maybe going down :-)
Still in the woods..
Today is my 10th day after I fell sick.... Thanks to Allah swt,I am recovering.To get my self to feel energetic,I went for few morning walks.It is good for my breathing and doing exercises made me sweat and it also relieved my stress.There are five more days to end 2010 and I plan to take part ...
We needs encouragement... Our 'semangat' rise and fall, similiarly our iman..
He inspired me to run..
He is 58 years old man like me,but he runs almost daily at Taman Tasik Cempaka,BBB at 3 to 4 times faster!When I did not turn up for my usual morning walks some time ago ,he asked my son about me.This morning,I met him and we stopped for a chat. As I was walking,I saw a group of men,led by my ...
We need encouragement... we are just human with rise and fall of 'energy', similiarly our iman..
He inspired me to run..
He is 58 years old man like me,but he runs almost daily at Taman Tasik Cempaka,BBB at 3 to 4 times faster!When I did not turn up for my usual morning walks some time ago ,he asked my son about me.This morning,I met him and we stopped for a chat. As I was walking,I saw a group of men,led by my ...
Monday, 20th December 2010: The Star: Twenty-seven passengers of a tour bus were killed after the vehicle hit a divider and overturned on its way down from Cameron Highlands Monday. Twenty-two died at the scene of the accident and five at the Raja Permaisuri hospital here. Another 10 injured, four... Continue reading
Posted Dec 22, 2010 at mdrazali's blog
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