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Mdrobertson Uk
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I watch the BBC and use its website every single day; there is rubbish on it but it is so much better than the race for commercial ratings. As for its so-called bias; is the phrase "the government defends its cuts" leftie? If it was really left wing it would push the bank issues much more and not only as an add on.
The BBC's budget
The BBC is to receive a real terms budget cut - over 4 years - of 16%. That is to say, it is to be cut much less than many Government departments. Is that right?
Surely defence of the nation is not the top priority; what is the point of defending a nation not worth defending? By this I mean a nation should be judged by how it supports the least able in its society; NOT those able to get jobs etc but those who cannot by whom I mean those with a genuine disability (mental or physical).
Nations are artificial creations anyway, what is more important is the above plus democracy.
Charlie Elphicke MP: Chancellor seeks to protect public services in spending review
By Charlie Elphicke MP. Rather than the predicted carnage, today’s comprehensive spending review will seek to protect public services. As best possible in the current difficult circumstances. The numbers indicate that we see a real terms cut of 10% over the course of this Parliament. Yes, publ...
Mdrobertson Uk is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 20, 2010
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