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Mark Round
A cognitive scientist and social network analyst working for a very tolerant employer (QinetiQ), with a passion for understanding how organisations think.
Interests: literature, cognitive science, mountaineering, natural history, psychology, architecture, anthropology, social network analysis, ethnography, complexity, human-system interaction design, command and control, cognitive systems engineering
Recent Activity
Clement (and all), Thanks for the information. I've had to stay the update to the diagram, but should be able to update it this week (at long last!). Trying not to get distracted in experimenting with all the new tools I've been pointed to (e.g. Gephi!). Mark
Vladimir, Chris, Thanks for the information. I'm in the process of updating the diagram at the moment, an also revisiting the format of the data. Other commitments permitting, these changes should show up within the next few days.
Mark Round is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
So - the new format for the picture is pdf - although the default rotation isn't ideal, it should be a huge improvement. All comments, as always, appreciated.
Thanks, all, for the comments. I've worked out how the fix the formatting issue. Now just waiting for some vendors to provide promised information on their tools. On the issue of the meaning of the links, I should note that there is a lot of complexity abstracted away in any such representation. Here, any link from a format i to a tool j just means "tool j can read format j" (and vc vs).