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Megan Hook
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Megan Hook is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Excited to be there! Megan (Undomestic Diva)
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Excited to be there! Megan (Undomestic Diva)
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I've had three boys and *usually* it's fairly obvious (as in, the tech knows immediately with little-to-no indecisiveness) that it's a boy. I've heard girls are a little harder to detect because things can look a bit... swollen? causing labia to look more ball-ish. lol Either way, I'm sure they just don't want to give you the wrong answer because that would suck. Best wishes to you for a healthy baby and a little less wait-and-see. (Says the girl who waited to find out until they were born. Heh.)
Toggle Commented Jun 11, 2009 on Baby Lumps at Velveteen Mind
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