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Megan Hook
Recent Activity
Megan Hook is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Excited to be there!
Megan (Undomestic Diva)
The 3rd Annual People's Party 2009
It’s time to party like it’s 1999! Back before anyone was concerned about things like stats and comments and review disclaimers. Back when People were People, not metrics to be valued or ranked. We love People! And you are all invited! Shake off all of the peripheral distractions of the b...
Excited to be there!
Megan (Undomestic Diva)
The 3rd Annual People's Party 2009
It’s time to party like it’s 1999! Back before anyone was concerned about things like stats and comments and review disclaimers. Back when People were People, not metrics to be valued or ranked. We love People! And you are all invited! Shake off all of the peripheral distractions of the b...
I've had three boys and *usually* it's fairly obvious (as in, the tech knows immediately with little-to-no indecisiveness) that it's a boy. I've heard girls are a little harder to detect because things can look a bit... swollen? causing labia to look more ball-ish. lol Either way, I'm sure they just don't want to give you the wrong answer because that would suck. Best wishes to you for a healthy baby and a little less wait-and-see. (Says the girl who waited to find out until they were born. Heh.)
Baby Lumps
Get the Google Audio Widget widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! {Audioblog} Download 'Baby Lumps' read by the author ... Modesty becomes you, little baby. We went for our 20-week ultrasound yesterday, all set to find out if we were having a baby boy or girl. Q, 4, an...
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