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Carrie Fisher was eating up the soundstage, for sure, but look who she is acting with - 4 robots and a crowd of Wookies. I think the song itself isn't completely horrific, her singing is sweet, the harp playing understated, and I like how the Star Wars flourishes cut some of the treacle. On the other hand, they kind of add a whole different substance at the same time, like substituting gingerbread for cheese, perhaps. That is a good hope, annoyingmouse. Here's to wishes fulfilled in the future!
Slippers, of course.
Toggle Commented Dec 21, 2008 on Tampon Christmas Gifts at WFMU's Beware of the Blog
She might be a little bit Nico-ish, which is one thing, but she is definitely 100% stroking that Wookie, which is quite another! Han seems to be unfazed, however. Perhaps it is an "open" relationship. I started watching the entire thing a couple of years ago and caught some of those old school commercials, but it was on a warped VHS, so the day-glo colors and static made it unendurable. Does anyone else think the Life Day greeting in native Wookie sounds a bit pained, like those things in that dreadful Fight Club episode of Torchwood? Maybe it's just me.
K, I think this came out the same year I got my Princess Leia "Action Doll", which was a disappointment once I lost all of her accessories and the special plastic donuts to make up her spiffy hairdo. I remember seeing this special and feeling like I learned a lot about Wookie culture, which I hadn't even considered before, at age 6. Any of Mr. T's work for kids is worth a watch. There was a display a few years ago on the LES of Mr. T dolls made from a Cabbage Patch design - hundreds and hundreds of variations on the theme, and they were running videos of one of his TV shows. I hope he got down there to check it out. I don't know what a Flannel Wookie is!