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Carrie Fisher was eating up the soundstage, for sure, but look who she is acting with - 4 robots and a crowd of Wookies. I think the song itself isn't completely horrific, her singing is sweet, the harp playing understated, and I like how the Star Wars flourishes cut some of the treacle. On the other hand, they kind of add a whole different substance at the same time, like substituting gingerbread for cheese, perhaps.
That is a good hope, annoyingmouse. Here's to wishes fulfilled in the future!
Happy Life Day, One and All.
Thought it would be a good time to polish off this old chestnut. Happy Holidays!
Slippers, of course.
Tampon Christmas Gifts
A friend of my wife sent her the page to Tampon Crafts. Getting absorbed in DIY Christmas crafting and gifting has just taken on a brand new meaning. You can also click on this while you're on the page but I couldn't help but post the immediate link right on the blog because this is forty...
She might be a little bit Nico-ish, which is one thing, but she is definitely 100% stroking that Wookie, which is quite another! Han seems to be unfazed, however. Perhaps it is an "open" relationship.
I started watching the entire thing a couple of years ago and caught some of those old school commercials, but it was on a warped VHS, so the day-glo colors and static made it unendurable.
Does anyone else think the Life Day greeting in native Wookie sounds a bit pained, like those things in that dreadful Fight Club episode of Torchwood? Maybe it's just me.
Happy Life Day, One and All.
Thought it would be a good time to polish off this old chestnut. Happy Holidays!
K, I think this came out the same year I got my Princess Leia "Action Doll", which was a disappointment once I lost all of her accessories and the special plastic donuts to make up her spiffy hairdo. I remember seeing this special and feeling like I learned a lot about Wookie culture, which I hadn't even considered before, at age 6.
Any of Mr. T's work for kids is worth a watch. There was a display a few years ago on the LES of Mr. T dolls made from a Cabbage Patch design - hundreds and hundreds of variations on the theme, and they were running videos of one of his TV shows. I hope he got down there to check it out.
I don't know what a Flannel Wookie is!
Happy Life Day, One and All.
Thought it would be a good time to polish off this old chestnut. Happy Holidays!
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