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Meg Campbell-Back
Interests: photography, wine, gardening, travel...
Recent Activity
Fiji for your next conference? Have a look at this fun day.... with thanks to Rosie DMC and of course thanks to Rosiloa for permission for the use of their tracks from their latest album: Ancient Pulse... If you are... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2010 at A letter from Fiji...
So here's another go at the post that I lost.... that's possibly the last time I try to set something up to publish at a future date. Also I have to apologise for the wrong column width at the moment... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2010 at A letter from Fiji...
I typed a post a few days ago, saved and programmed it to post today and well.... it's gone... I'll wait another day to see if it appears back from cyberspace tomorrow (incase it's posting on US time, which is... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2010 at A letter from Fiji...
Meg Campbell-Back is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
It is just typical of how slack my blogging got there that I hadn't even blogged about one cyclone before another is on its way! Or maybe that's just typical of this season.... who knows... So while we sit and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2010 at A letter from Fiji...
actually our house has several LARGE holes... as you can guess. But I think that's good, the water can flow in and flow back out again....
1 reply
All those things you said (lack of power, insecure buildings, water off, can't travel anywhere by foot or by car) are all the reasons why we have learnt never to leave the island when a storm is on it's way. GB spent cyclone Gene and the 3 days after stuck in a hotel on the mainland which had a generator just big enough to power the tills; while out here we had power, water, food and even... gasp! sky TV and internet! Cat 4 may cause an interesting storm surge tho. Mick was a cat 3 when it hit here and it was damp and uncomfortable and trees fell and boats on the beach (large ones) flipped (also our comms tower blew away -they came and replaced it the next day which I can only surmise was because town had no water or power and we did!), but our biggest danger was boredom as we sat in the shuttered restaurant...luckily... Hopefully by the time we wake sun am it will have changed course and left the group without harming us...
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...starring "pinky" the piglet! For those of you outside Fiji this is part of the process of getting coconut milk (lolo) from the coconut flesh. Pinky however just wants to sup on that nice fluid coming out of the coconut... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2010 at A letter from Fiji...
I have to admit I had never seen a truly amazing dress up close. There are so many beautiful dresses around, and Fiji weddings tend to be more casual anyway, I think; and I guess back when I was wedding... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2010 at A letter from Fiji...
been there... they are very efficient. I also had to pay a fee for driving the vehicle myself to the impound lot...
1 reply
Sadly the title is not a competition with rich prizes, so for everyone except Wilson who has already recognised it the answer is we spent 4 nights last week in... Suva! For the rest of the world Suva is the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2009 at A letter from Fiji...
As always when we've been away in NZ I'm behind the 8-ball. One of the reasons for that is that often I will either go somewhere with no internet, or I drop the macbook in for some sort of tweak... Continue reading
Posted Aug 16, 2009 at A letter from Fiji...
the terrible irony here Jonathan is that the one shop that has always refunded or replaced faulty merchandise for us IS the pirate DVD place...
1 reply
I've been on a trip with friends to Udu in the north. Don't know where that is? well actually I didn't know where that was either! Even as I was travelling there. But I did know we were firstly flying... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2009 at A letter from Fiji...
...running like a watercolour in the rain... Al Stewart, The Year of the Cat) I just marvel sometimes at the lyrics waiting to be discovered in a song. Yes, many are simple and banal, but some songs have the most... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2009 at A letter from Fiji...
ah yes banking lately beggars belief. I won't even start to share the range of recent experiences I have had with your poor readers. Suffice it to say the bank staff cringe when they see me walking up... (between tt's, a bank cheque for immigration charged for twice, and what should have been a simple issue of a card when the old one expired they've seen a bit of me lately)
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I read a post at "The Online Photographer" today which oddly enough reminded me of Fiji. This is unusual for a blog about photography (to remind me of Fiji), so I thought I would share why here: the writer asked... Continue reading
Posted May 14, 2009 at A letter from Fiji...
Meg Campbell-Back has shared their blog A letter from Fiji...
May 7, 2009
Good post. but when I saw the title I thought it would might have been more like what to do when there's a coup looming: or what not to do eg: get a big wad of money out in case of coup to have a reserve of food/petrol/gas/cash and then accidentally spend it all on who knows what...(I'm not joking, it happened to several Mum's at the school the kids were at prior to Dec 2006)... coup shopping we called it... (oh scrubs jumped the shark? we've been really enjoying Fringe. Divx is wonderful....)
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You did a bloody good job Jon, I mean at least you stopped! so many people would have just driven by. well done for stopping and getting out and yelling (Mark I think the guy ran off because he though Jonathan was about the get the ninja moves out). I was coming out the driveway in Rotorua one time and I saw a known p-addict just out of prison roaring up and down the road in his souped up subaru, then pulling right up behind another local lady. She sat there in her car terrified. He sat in his car inches away from her bumper glaring at her. I sat in the driveway in my discovery, I had an idea if he got out of the car and went for her I was going to mash him into the side of her car with my landrovers bull bars. Then suddenly he drove off into the distance. I was told later I was stupid and should have phoned the police watch house, but you do what you think of and if it's instinctively doing something right (and not just pretending nothing's happening or that it's not your business) then that has to be worth something huh? LOL about the Dick Cheney comment. This could lead to a series of cartoons: what would Dick Cheney have done in Jonathan's situation? What would George Bush done in Jonathan's situation? etc etc...
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Ronald McDonald came to T's birthday party at Mc Donalds in Nadi. He was Fijian...
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