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Interests: film, music, books, johnny depp, sci-fi, the paranormal, knitting, forensics, and pop culture
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Have fun! I'm trying to convince my friends to head out to Vegas for spring break. :-)
1 reply
That's so cool!
Toggle Commented Nov 23, 2011 on My Eyes! My Eyes! at Alien Spouse
1 reply
I love it!!! I want one!
Toggle Commented Oct 24, 2011 on New Vintage Make-Up Case. at Alien Spouse
1 reply
Turns out that my internet connection was going down all of the time because of a loose cable. Silly me!
Toggle Commented Jul 9, 2011 on cough *Charter* cough at Alien Spouse
1 reply
Ugh, Charter! I was so angry after talking with them that when I got off the phone, my hands were shaking. Luckily, my brother is a tech guy for a university, so he came out and solved my wireless problems for me. Turns out it was my router. He switched me out with one that he had on standby and I was good to go. Next time I have wireless issues, I'm just calling him. I've learned my lesson.
Toggle Commented Jul 5, 2011 on cough *Charter* cough at Alien Spouse
1 reply
That's okay. I was really excited to see the stills! So many great scenes in that movie.
Toggle Commented May 12, 2011 on A Really Great Sunday. at Alien Spouse
1 reply
That is a cool dining set. My brother has the same table, only it's all red.
Toggle Commented May 11, 2011 on A Really Great Sunday. at Alien Spouse
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Love the Britcoms on Netflix Instant. I'm currently catching up on The Vicar of Dibley.
Toggle Commented Nov 10, 2010 on TV and Movies. at Alien Spouse
1 reply
Anything with dinosaurs will be a big hit with kids and this book was no exception. Dinosaur Starts School by Pamela Duncan Edwards is a cute story about a little boy who is trying to comfort his pet dinosaur's fears about starting school. It's a great story to share with... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2010 at What the Kids are Reading
Must be nice. I can't imagine never having to drive because I live in such a rural area. It takes me 45 minutes to get to work. I can count on my hand the number of times I've actually used public transportation.
Toggle Commented Sep 18, 2010 on Car Dependency - An Epiphany. at Alien Spouse
1 reply
Copiers are the EVIL!
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2010 on And Then The Toner EXPLODED. at Alien Spouse
1 reply
I love, love, LOVE The Donut Chef by Bob Staake. If you have kids, I highly recommend buying this for them. The illustrations are superb. After reading this book to my class, they were actually more interested in learning more about the illustrations than talking about the story. They wanted... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2010 at What the Kids are Reading
Green Wilma by Tedd Arnold (author of those Fly Guy books) is cute, but bizarre. It's about a little girl who wakes up one day to find that she has turned green and has a sudden craving for flies. No one can figure out what is wrong with her. At... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2010 at What the Kids are Reading
Manana, Iguana by Ann Whitford Paul is basically a retelling of The Little Red Hen, but with an iguana. Iguana is frustrated with her friends because none of them want to help her throw a fiesta. They always find some excuse not to help out. Fed up, Iguana decides to... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2010 at What the Kids are Reading
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Mar 15, 2010
I loved Coraline! I'm glad I decided to break my rule and watch the film before reading the book. Now I have to go read the book.
Toggle Commented Jan 20, 2010 on Coraline (2009) - Freaking Finally! at Alien Spouse
1 reply
Love it.
Toggle Commented Dec 18, 2009 on Academia Zombie Chic. at Alien Spouse
1 reply
I hate how she hasn't been on "Project Runway" very much this season.
Toggle Commented Nov 20, 2009 on It's Thursday. It's Ten PM. at Alien Spouse
1 reply
Those are awesome! I have to learn how to crochet.
Toggle Commented Sep 22, 2009 on The Brain Slugs Brothers. at Alien Spouse
1 reply
I really want to watch "Coraline", too. I'm trying to wait to watch it until after I've read the book. However, that could be months from now because I'm still in the middle of reading "Infinite Jest." It's like the book that never ends.
Toggle Commented Aug 2, 2009 on The Coraline. at Alien Spouse
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Happy blogiversary!
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I had no idea that there were different ways to pronounce Sarah. Please share more of these! I get a kick out of the subtle differences between American English and British English.
Toggle Commented Apr 1, 2009 on It's Different Here. at Alien Spouse
1 reply
Too cute! I love it!
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The little girls in my Kindergarten class LOVE how Michelle Obama and her daughters dress. They were sharing with me what they wore during the inauguration when one of my boys said, "Ewwwwww!" Do we have to talk about girls' clothes?". HA!
Toggle Commented Jan 24, 2009 on The Important Issues of the Day. at Alien Spouse
1 reply
Happy belated birthday!
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