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Hi Stefanie!
I was wondering if you can clarify something for me. I've been trying to figure out how to write a reference entry for a working paper. In the APA Manual (item #35 of the Reference Examples section), it says that working papers are to be formatted like issue briefs, which have the institution name first and the author name as the last thing in the reference entry.
That just seemed incorrect to me for a paper with an actual author. Now, having read your post about almost published papers, I am even more unsure of how to format the reference entry.
Could you please clarify if the reference should be formatted exactly like the Issue brief (#35 on page 206), or should it look more like the authored report reference (#33 on page 206). I say that because of the following guide I found on the internet:
I would really appreciate any feedback at all to help clarify this.
Thank you!
Almost Published
by Stefanie Imagine you are writing a paper on a cutting-edge topic. A friend in the field passes along a manuscript on which she is working that is relevant to your work. Your advisor, on reading your draft, hands you his own manuscript, which takes a different approach to the material. He inf...
MegMardian is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 28, 2016
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