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It was such a pleasure to meet you!
1 reply
Shut up! People had parties for kindergarten graduation? Hmmm, come to think of it I think we had cake for my son LOL we are a reward motivated society.
Toggle Commented Jun 18, 2010 on Congratulations Graduate? at Chicago Moms Blog
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As a mom of two that I've sent off to college, this post made me cry. Bittersweet moments for sure, your job as mom is almost done but the worries are not over.
Toggle Commented Jun 16, 2010 on Parenting Deadline at Chicago Moms Blog
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It took a recent episode of my grandson's favorite TV show, Martha Speaks, to finally understand a little better the frustration my mother might have felt in the early 80's when she, in one fell swoop, disposed of my entire... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2010 at Chicago Moms Blog
You made a wise choice, Chicago sport's championships are few and far between. We all stayed up late to watch and it was worth every minute of OT!
Toggle Commented Jun 12, 2010 on Bedtimes and Blackhawks at Chicago Moms Blog
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Toggle Commented Jun 10, 2010 on Parking for Kindergarten at Chicago Moms Blog
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I could have written that post and substituted children for in-laws. I just don't think my adult children would get it, so it's a deep dark secret. So far.
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Been there, done that, hypothetically of course.
Toggle Commented May 31, 2010 on hypothetically speaking... at Chicago Moms Blog
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It must have been painful for you to share your story and even more painful to live it. I hope that your speaking out helps other parents. Good luck to you.
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Raising hand and waving frantically. I'm ready to jump back into PTO after a lengthy hiatus.
Toggle Commented May 30, 2010 on PTOs Don't Scare Me Anymore at Chicago Moms Blog
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I was terribly disappointed with the ending :(
Toggle Commented May 29, 2010 on A life without LOST at Philly Moms
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Summer doesn't officially arrive in Chicago until Monday June 21st, but for all practical purposes, summer begins this weekend. At long last, the 90 days that we Chicagoans can spend really enjoying the out of doors without the fear of... Continue reading
Posted May 29, 2010 at Chicago Moms Blog
Yesterday was my grandson's last day of preschool, summer is here, but nothing is going to slow down. I think we all need to remember to slow down and breathe.
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Heading for the finish line at Chicago Moms Blog
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I'm so sorry for your loss.
Toggle Commented May 28, 2010 on Staying Connected at Chicago Moms Blog
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I think we all wish for what we don't have. I wish there were more places I could walk to with the kids so I didn't have to go through the hassle of wrangling them into the car.
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I am around small children all day every day and often the behavior I see when parents return is appalling. It makes me wonder who these kids are because I don't tolerate it EVER. A crying baby is completely different from an out of control preschooler. I've often said there are no bad kids, just bad parents. And no my children were far from perfect, but I knew what I could expect from them and didn't put myself in a situation where I knew they couldn't be on their best behavior until I knew they could be. So yes, if parents are inattentive to their child while the child has a major meltdown or is behaving in an unacceptable manner, you can bet I will judge. But the mom at Jewel buying milk with her 3 toddlers just before nap time who looks like she needs a stiff drink, nahhh, she's just having a bad day.
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Common sense and common courtesy dictate that you should refer to a person by the name that you were introduced to them with. Unfortunately neither one is prevalent in our society. My former MIL, when she wasn't referring to me as Ruth,(just ignorance) called me Reets. Drove me batshit crazy and may or may not have been one of the reasons I left her son.
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I dunno, I'm not sold on the iPad just yet. Does it snuggle well on a window seat under a blanket as a soft rain falls outside? Where do you put the bookmark?
Toggle Commented May 14, 2010 on The Day The Book Box Died at New Jersey Moms Blog
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No one wants to take responsibility because it's easier to blame someone else. A little boy is dead and sadly another victim of drunk driving will soon follow. It just breaks my heart. There needs to be a better way.
Toggle Commented May 14, 2010 on Imagining a Better Way at Chicago Moms Blog
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Just wait until you reach peri-menopause brain. Similar to Mommy Brain only 10 times worse.
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Really? Really? Less than a month ago a man in CA was arrested for being a sex offender and driving an ice cream truck. He also didn't have a vendor's license. Do we really know WHO the ice cream man is? Or when he last washed his hands? I realize that it could happen at the grocery store too, but it just creeps me out a teeny tiny bit. OK a lot.
Toggle Commented May 6, 2010 on The Ice Cream Truck at Chicago Moms Blog
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I had no idea that this gem is so close to my own back yard. Thanks for the info, we'll definitely plan a trip soon.
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My mother composted before it was chic. She saved all the scraps of the day and carried them into the yard where she buried them in her garden. A little motion of a sturdy shovel to mix it in with the topsoil and we always had the biggest bestest tomatoes and prettiest flowers on the block. I line dry inside too, always afraid of bird poop on my clean stuff LOL
Toggle Commented May 3, 2010 on I So Want To Go Green at Chicago Moms Blog
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My 'tainted' bottle of infant Tylenol is marked 'for Hospital/Government Use Only'. Leftover from my grandson's circumcision a few months ago, for which my daughter, via her insurance company, was charged $122 for non prescription drugs. That part makes me even more angry than the recall itself, $122 for a half ounce of Tylenol! We trust the pharmaceutical companies to provide us with safe remedies and I understand that mistakes can be made, but it's more than unsettling to me. The what ifs running through my head make me want to scream.
Toggle Commented May 2, 2010 on The Recall Made Me Recall at LA Moms Blog
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Don't feel guilty for the choices you make for your kids, if they're not the best choices it's nothing that years of therapy won't fix down the road. I kid, I kid.
Toggle Commented Apr 29, 2010 on Programming Our Kids at Chicago Moms Blog
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