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Thank you for sharing your notes and impressions. It was an unforgettable experience. xx
The Masterclass with Dame Hilary Mantel @BudleighLitFest
I'm still wittering on, to anyone who will listen, about the Masterclass given at Budleigh LitFest by Dame Hilary Mantel, which means Bookhound and Magnus are well-versed in all aspects of the two hours that I sat in on the four hour session. I'd only meant to stay for first ten minutes or so......
I am sorry I put you on the spot, but it turned into a lovely moment, thanks to your generous gesture. I could definitely feel the love in the room/church! xx
Walking the coastal path with Katherine May & Raynor Winn @Budleighlitfest
It was real coastal path weather in Budleigh Salterton yesterday; fitting as the path passes through the town and the perfect weather for a battalion of Seasalt macs to gather in one place. I’m not sure there shouldn’t be a name for them, honestly every which way I looked (including me) there we...
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Sep 23, 2018
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