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Melinda Engelman
Recent Activity
I really enjoy looking at the ads, although sometimes they do get overwhelming and take away from the page. I understand that the ads help support the blogs and companies so I understand why they are there. I've clicked on some ads and found great things and others have been useless - it all depends. If you are a bride looking for a bridesmaid dress and you see an ad for Bella Bridesmaid then you are more likely to click on the ad and in the end the ad has perhaps helped the bride. If the ads work they will target the brides and help them as well. Overall, I would say keep the ads, keep them relevant and people should understand they can help them with their wedding.
An open discussion on Ad-Blockers: Several of us...
An open discussion on Ad-Blockers: Several of us were talking this past weekend about the rise of brides using ad blockers when they visit wedding blogs. Even though we'd think that brides would be aware that this is our bread and butter, I often think that there is a disconnect between the fact ...
Melinda Engelman is now following B-List admin
Sep 18, 2010
Melinda Engelman is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 18, 2010
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