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Melissa Summers
Detroit, MI
Mildly grumpy. But still funny. Well, funny-ish.
Recent Activity
This Space Intentionally Left Blank
Two words for you: Divorce Sucks. This website was the thing, aside from my beautiful family, I was most proud of. Many of you were so lovely to me over the last 7 years I wrote in this space. I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 13, 2013 at Suburban Bliss:: Birth Control Via The Written Word
The first Christmas of the rest of my life.
Almost every one of our Christmas ornaments had a story or reminded me of a time in the life I'd created with my ex and my children. We started our marriage with no ornaments and slowly collected 2 each year... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2012 at Suburban Bliss:: Birth Control Via The Written Word
Melissa Summers is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Melissa Summers has shared their blog Suburban Bliss:: Birth Control Via The Written Word
May 11, 2009
I organized not just one set of two day child care. I did it 4 times as they changed the dates.
(They even suggested I just "bring the kids"....Oh wow, I can't imagine anything better than travelling with my 5 and 8 year old and then going on live television for the first time. My kids are good but uh, about as freaked out by new situations as I am.)
Probably that's all I'm pissed about.
In Support for Melissa Summers
Last night I was searching through the Silicon Valley Moms Blog statistics (that shows how many and who came to visit the blog, including those that clicked over from google searches). Jill and I are the stat addicts of the blog. I saw a very interesting google search with these key words: "Mer...
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