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Melissa Dyrdahl
Recent Activity
Melissa Dyrdahl is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I love the new name of your blog! How did you come up with it??
A Week Unplugged
A group of high school sophomores at L.A.'s California Academy for Liberal Studies Early College High School will forego all electronic devices for an entire week: "I suspect that people will be going crazy," said student Jamila Mohedano, who doubts her own ability to go unplugged without becomi...
You are making up that part about me losing consciousness.
If Someone Offers You a Morphine Pump, Say Yes.
I had surgery a couple of weeks ago. Because, for one thing of many things, having surgery meant I could avoid having to take a drug for five years (yes, FIVE YEARS) that has a long list of creepy side effects like it might cause you to grow a third eye. OK, maybe not a third eye. But still, ...
Melissa Dyrdahl is now following Drew McManus
May 13, 2009
Thanks for posting. My dad did not keep a journal during his WWII stint in the South Pacific, but he sent many letters home to his family during the over 2 years he was in combat. Those letters are now stored in a box somewhere. You're inspiring me to finally read them and learn more about what his life was like during that time.
And by the way, love the Adobe CS4 ad on your blog. So ironic.
Memories of WWII
My old childhood friend Dave Hampton posted something fascinating on his blog: his Dad's old WWII diary. He posted scanned images of many of the pages in the journal. It's an amazing peek into the experiences of someone on the ground in Europe during the war, some of it courageous, some of i f...
That is the most convoluted family dynasty ever. And how much of INOB food contains poison I mean high fructose corn syrup?
In-n-Out. That's What a Hamburger's All About
BusinessWeek writer Stacy Perman has written a book about the western fast-food chain In-n-Out Burger. In-n-Out is a California tradition, and by far the best fast food that exists. Perman observes that In-N-Out has prospered by hewing close to the stolid principles of controlled growth, limited...
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