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melissa frances
Recent Activity
I woke up in bed late today (hubby let me sleep in) and started to look at my facebook on my phone, and was tagged on a photo. It was one of these birthday cards. So came to the blog to check it out. Tears running down my face as I was reading all my birthday wishes. I am truly overwhelmed and so grateful for all my cards and gifts. Your wishes were humbling and extremely touching thank you all so much. Life is GOOD
Carolyn you rock for doing this thanks to a wonderful friend! P.S. found out what my gift was before I openned it lol
Love it!
Happy Birthday Melissa & a Giveaway!
(photo and project by: Fabienne Pernot) Today we are pleased to celebrate Melissa’s 50th Birthday on the MF blog. Not too long ago, Melissa used to dread getting older. But since fighting through her stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis in 2007, she has been reminded what a gift life is. And now,...
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