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Melissa McLoughlin
Recent Activity
"Intermittently obnoxious!" That's exactly how it is to have a teenage man/child! This was great! Did I ever tell you about the time Aidan took all the toilet paper rolls out of ALL the toilet paper in the house, including the jumbo pack from Costco, so he could mold cardboard "turds." It is just one thing on a very long list.
Toggle Commented May 25, 2010 on Zombie Strippers at Nude Zen
I have felt like throwing at a ham sandwich at Aidan this week. I'm looking forward to the mellowing - for him and me. Glad to have you back posting!
Toggle Commented May 15, 2010 on Mustard stains are hard to get out at Nude Zen
This is hilarious! (And possibly a little sad...) ;-)
Toggle Commented Apr 17, 2010 on Nintendo Nympho at Nude Zen
This should be in the enlistment brochure for the Coast Guard. Sign me up! Is that the official hankerchief hat of the Coast Guard?
Toggle Commented Mar 20, 2010 on Puddle Pirates at Nude Zen
That's an impressive drawing of some fresh tootsies. Here's to our kids staying off the police blotter! Cheers!
Toggle Commented Mar 20, 2010 on Fungus Free Feet at Nude Zen
A kid can never have enough grandpa's. Just ask my kids! I doubt you'll feel like you are on the Gramps B Team. Grandpa Shane. I'm going to have to get used to this one. Maybe she'll call you Grandpa Scoops?
Toggle Commented Mar 13, 2010 on Pink stuff at Nude Zen
Great list! Scott may be more qualified for contributing to this list. I picked up "Harlem Nights" for him today and we recently rented "Hollywood Knights," a classic. I love "Better Off Dead" and just about any Chris Farley movie with David Spade. "Raising Arizona" might be my favorite movie, and I can watch "O Brother Where Art Thou" any time it is on. "Talladega Nights" is also high on my list. Fun post.
This was worth the wait! Life happens and keeps us from writing, but that just means the material is mounting. You should look into sponsorship with the prune people!
So did the C's band play? He has a future as a concert promoter too. This was great!
Toggle Commented Feb 25, 2010 on "Play Freebird!" at Nude Zen
I saw a T-shirt once that said, "I've Never Been This Age Before..." and that's exactly how I feel about it. It's all new and foreign to me. I bet you had a bangin' mullet!
Toggle Commented Feb 13, 2010 on Hungry like the wolf at Nude Zen
Great post! It might be my favorite so far! Keep 'em coming!
Toggle Commented Feb 9, 2010 on No shame, no gain at Nude Zen
Melissa McLoughlin is now following Steve Martin
Feb 6, 2010
I watched Lost and am just as confused as ever... but I don't mind the confusion!
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2010 on Full steam ahead at Nude Zen
And a bonus post! I wasn't really looking for anything until next week! You are doing great. Continue navigating the waters, Captain!
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2010 on Full steam ahead at Nude Zen
Great to see you writing again! Keep 'em coming!
Toggle Commented Feb 2, 2010 on Everthing but my bowels at Nude Zen
Melissa McLoughlin added a favorite at Nude Zen
Feb 1, 2010
Melissa McLoughlin added a favorite at WWdN: In Exile
Jan 30, 2010
Melissa McLoughlin is now following Shane Schneider
Jan 30, 2010
Melissa McLoughlin is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 30, 2010