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Melly Testa
Recent Activity
What a wonderful mother daughter experience. Beautiful work Jude.
friday at mom's
this is a section of a little quilt i made for mom years ago. some of you might even remember it. i was looking at it and revisiting the bird idea. this is the time of year that the crows gather. i love the eyes. after we went grocery shopping, i did a bit more stitching. i like how the bo...
Jude, I love the animals, the printed circle hanging out with the stitched circle. Very nice.
self to self
this morning i am holding the conversation close. framing it up and adding some memory of patchwork which is always a resting place for me. i ran out of words a couple of days ago . this conversation is going somewhere without words. i am using that to get back. allowing some sympathy for m...
Melly Testa is now following Roz Stendahl
Sep 17, 2011
Hello Diana. I have begun to use acrylic paint in earnest. I find it to be an interesting paint and I think I would like to try using it from jars rather than tubes. I have not gotten a 'surface' that I like just yet. I think my canvases are over worked or that perhaps I am using the wrong brushes, I use recycled watercolor brushes-so they are crap by the time I start using them. Don't get me wrong, I love my results but there are a few things that need tweaking. Thanks for the vid peek.
Trinity of Canvas
Art Is You, Danbury! Time to sign up! There are a million colors of paint and, tempting as they are, I've designed my acrylic painting classes to concentrate on just three primaries. Why limit yourself? Using a limited palette is an automatic way to provide a cohesive end-product! This v...
Boy do I miss Gourmet. Nothing replaces it.
Written in Pepper
I love how the hand stitching between the seams seems to fuzz the line.
making and marking corners
.....i am really starting to have a thing for cross stitch. probably because i am focusing on corners...because they are a meeting places... maybe places where tradition transforms. a place where things are redefined. (... like how the cross stitch over the crossed seams makes a star like thing...
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Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2010 at .
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