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"If we could believe we are deeply connected in the fragile places, we could drop the games. When you tell me the truth about yourself, I no longer hide from you. You become safe for me. So guess what? You are now a recipient of my truth too. I am drawn to you. Your vulnerability makes a path for my own. Your truth-telling says to me, 'I will not despise, judge, or abandon you.'" Sometimes we get scared and we stop telling the truth. And, when we are living in real community, we don't have to be afraid anymore. Our people will love us. And, our people will begin telling the truth more and more if we lead them by telling the truth."
This is so good, I can't even ...
Thanks for attempting to live this and encouraging others to, Beth!!
Something Happens...
This post is part of Jen Hatmaker’s “For the Love” Blog Tour which I am delighted to be a part of along with many other inspiring bloggers. To learn more and join us, CLICK HERE. There is something I can almost always tell within minutes of spending time with someone. I can almost always tell ho...
This is great beth. I so miss you...your insights...your authenticity... Sure wish we could go to lunch soon.
So thankful for YOU!
Learning to be thankful...
My friend Jennifer challenged us to join her in a journey of here goes, I am learning to be thankful. It is so easy to get dragged down by the daily struggles of being a pastor's wife, raising three (soon four) little kids, and investing in other people, that sometimes I forget ...
Melodyedr is now following Beth Webb
Apr 5, 2012
Melodyedr is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 5, 2012
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