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Founding member of the Southeastern Arizona Melittological Institute
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Mar 15, 2010
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Sep 17, 2009
Re #4: this is actually explained in Dorothea Brande's "Becoming a Writer." She says the momentum comes from the desire to tell your story to someone. Once you've told someone -- even just told them ABOUT your story -- that desire is satisfied. Hence, no more motivation.
It's a great book. Written long before we knew anything about right brain/left brain, the book explains exactly why you have to keep "generating new content" clearly separated from "editing/criticizing content."
five simple ways to Just Keep Writing
I'm reluctant to pass myself off as some kind of authority on writing, because I still have a lot to learn, but from time to time I'm asked a question that I can answer with some degree of confidence. That happened earlier today, and (as you'll see at the end of this post) I thought it may be wo...
Even better is The Gallery Of "Misused" Quotation Marks
... better because of the hilarious comments about each mistake. Example:
The sign by the deposit drawer outside my bank says:
Please "Do Not" deposit cash.
I wonder if this is why my checks always bounce?
Comment: If you deposit cash anyway I'm sure your account will be "credited."
Why misplaced quotation marks are relevant to the pursuit of happiness.
One of my resolutions is “Make a joke of it.” This is an incredibly difficult resolution to keep, but it really works when I can pull it off. (Which is rare, I have to admit, but I’m trying.) I was reminded of this resolution when I came across the “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks. From n...
It's just possible that reading glasses will help. I have age-related far-sightedness, and I started needing to use reading glasses for reading a few years ago. I wear them when I'm at the computer (all day) and they help a lot. In fact the other day I forgot my reading glasses and worked at the computer all morning and my eyes were blurry the rest of the day.
For me, the trick is to use the lowest power I can get away with. Higher-power reading glasses make my eyes more and more far-sighted (and the higher power, the closer to the screen you have to sit.) Right now I'm using 1.25.
Dry eye could also be a factor.
Hope your eyes feel better soon! Good luck!
No glasses for me.
Did any of you grow up in the New York/Connecticut/New Jersey tri-state area and if you did, do you remember the “Get glasses, Alice” commercial? In which a woman walks into walls and throws herself down the stairs and trips over the dog, and all her husband can say is, “Get glasses, Alice”? And ...
Wow, I have to save this one, it is wonderfully written! Good job!
Soon they will be gone, and I will dance upon their eensy graves.
Dear pink eye: I have had it with you, you crusty whore. Get out of my kid’s eye. Sincerely, Alice Dear Alice, aka Supervisor of Most Beloved Host Body, You know less than nothing, you giant Alice slug. We are not a “you” but a “you plural.” Once we were many, and we knew nothing but joy. We danc...
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