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Mena Trott
San Francisco
Co-founder, Six Apart
Recent Activity
Mena Trott added a favorite at mobile andrew
Nov 7, 2010
Mena Trott added a favorite at
Oct 9, 2010
Mena Trott added a favorite at WaltPad
Sep 27, 2010
Hi Cimmorene. The decision to shut down was a very difficult one. I, for one, posted the most important things of my life on Vox (like my daughter's birth which was friends and family only). We could not give Vox the attention it needed or deserved; therefore we made a decision to work on export tools and give customers the ability to move their content to other providers. Anyway, I understand your comment and concern and I thank you for posting.
Farewell, Six Apart.
Instead of taking days to write the perfect post about the Six Apart news (in case you don't know, Six Apart is now SAY Media), I wanted to simply jot down some of my thoughts while the news is still, well, news. I know a lot of folks have questions and I don't have all the answers right now. H...
Wait for it...
The last one is the best Continue reading
Posted May 29, 2010 at FAKELOCKE.COM
Mena Trott added a favorite at FAKELOCKE.COM
Mar 24, 2010
Ben Linus will forever be my favorite character because he's actually smart enough to know when to get the hell out of danger. His interaction with Sayid in the temple was how most sane people will react -- get the fuck out of dodge at any trace of craziness. Put Jack in the same scene and he'd be all carrying Sayid on his back. Ben beats out hiding-in-the-jungle Richard for the Lost self-preservation award.
Fake Locke is VERY Disappointed to See Kate...
I think my screen capture foo missed the exact moment, but when Flocke saw Kate come out of the Temple, the look of disappointment was apparent. Does this mean she is on Jacob's list under Shepard?
You had my favorite star at "F** you, no smiley."
"You People" and Murderous Hobbit Rage
Just got through with all that plotzing, and the next hunk of the story is a head-scratcher. First of all, Gandalf leads his trusted peers to the woods and proclaims that he's not going in there with "you people". He YP'd them! His own crew! "It is no use arguing. I have, as I told you, some...
Mena Trott is now following Mena
Jan 4, 2010
I still feel that if you're going to let kids play a game they have to play by the rules. :)
Fierce Holiday Competition
Last Wednesday was our company white elephant party organized by our tireless party organizer Kimmie. This was the first white elephant we've had since the year we moved up to San Francisco where a nameless executive stole a toy from a young child in exchange for her $20 charity donation. The ...
And the good news is that you won't have to wait to long!
Adult Clothing Protectors, Bibs, Hat, Caps
These make me so sad. Every time I'm looking through patterns at the fabric store, I see this and try not to picture the scene at the convalescent home where these are being worn.
Mena Trott added a favorite at .tiff
Dec 16, 2009
Mena Trott added a favorite at
Dec 8, 2009
Mena Trott added a favorite at hello typepad
Nov 26, 2009
I give DJ full credit for that line.
The difference between Twitter and blogs
Blogging gives you the power to include the two Coreys. via
No, he died in 1902
To be fair, my two-year old doesn't even know who Abraham Lincoln is. Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2009 at Google Sage
Mena Trott added a favorite at alaina browne lives here
Nov 20, 2009
Something to think about during the weekend
Don't say this blog isn't educational. Yes, cats have lips and here's proof. Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2009 at Google Sage
No, seriously.
Considering that adolescents basically dominate Google queries, it's kind of funny to see that teens even want to know how Twitter makes money. Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2009 at Google Sage
In honor of New Moon
It's my hope that "date a normal girl" refers to a non-famous type of normal rather than a non-vampire type of normal. Either way, no, he won't date you. Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2009 at Google Sage
These are the people in your neighborhood
It's good to have goals. Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2009 at Google Sage
Can I marry my dog for a green card?
And to think that gay folks want to get married. Sick. Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2009 at Google Sage
Good News. Bad News
The good news is that you don't have a wart... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2009 at Google Sage
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