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Mendoza Family Dentistry
Get Your Dental Treatment now for 70% less than USA! Our dentist is conveniently located in Tijuana with over 40 years of experience MENDOZA FAMILY DENTISTRY has established a leading position in cosmetic and restorative Dentistry nationally and internationally. We are dedicated to provide our patients the highest quality of care and service, with a friendly relaxed atmosphere working with our patients budget and schedule for all kind of jobs, whether it's a single crown or full mouth restoration (makeovers). We provide you a service that’s simply unsurpassed, as we are experts in dental implants, smile makeovers, crowns, veneers; using the latest dental equipment and techniques available. Our in-house laboratory let us offer you a full range of restorative and cosmetics treatment, and with our highly experienced team of dental specialists, we will be proud to help and guide you to get a beautiful and confident smile. Contact address: Condominio Century 6th Floor Suite 602 Benito Juárez 2034 Guadalupe Victoria, 22000 Tijuana, B.C., Mexico, Phone: 01 664 685 2384
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Aug 13, 2016