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Dog soldier
Native American Seminal`e Tribe of Florida, and African.
Interests: running, downhill mountain biking, and, rock climbing, paintball, shooting, horseback riding., and surfing, and my peoples archery, martial arts weapens of china and japan, and knife arts.
Recent Activity
Hey, what's the name of the book?
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This is my home. If this world dies I will die fighting to save it. My people are apart of this land and this world, If our Mother dies We die. I say, let's enjoy the parts of our world that brings you closer to that feeling of Pandora. It's here you just have to go to it.
Ok i have 2 questions for everyone 1: would you...
Ok i have 2 questions for everyone 1: would you marry a Na'vi instead of a Human 2: would you go live as a Na'vi and leave everything behind answer them
Beat me to it. Same here.
To answer the "Today's question," I would say that...
To answer the "Today's question," I would say that my favorite scene is when Jake comes back on the Great Leonoteryx, meets with Neytiri and redeems himself, and last the Gathering of the Clans of the Na'vi!!!!
Hair is VERY, VERY important, to Native People. To cut ones hair means The Death Of Something. The cutting of his hair means I WILL SACRIFICE SOMETHING Of My Self TO BE A PART. That sacrifice was his hair. Very necessary, for the position he placed himself in.
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This is the hair style of a child, not a Warrior of Omaticaya. He became a man, this hair had to go. Most Native people around the world follow the same Tradition, of a warrior styling there hair to the rest of the tribe. This hair style represents the death of his past, his new hair style represents his new life and future.
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There is a Hindu healing technique just like this. Everyone rotates into the center so that everyone gets a chance to receives a healing.
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Dog soldier added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 29, 2010
Balance, Always. That is one of the true natures of God. No matter what name or form we give HIM/HER/IT. Or HER/HIM/IT takes.
Would Ewya have helped Jake. Ewya was not helping...
Would Ewya have helped Jake. Ewya was not helping Jake, she was helping Pandora, but God as it were, is often removed from mortals and his supplication and reference to Grace no doubt put the icing on the cake.
Where did you get it?
Just bought the AVATAR art book...going to check...
Just bought the AVATAR art book...going to check it out soon =D
It was all business. The killing of the natives,is bad business for any corporation. You can't risk the lose of share holers that may be sympathetic to the natives. He let Jake go back, hoping he could get them to move. This was his last chance to keep the companies stock price from taking a hit. As a Stock Market Trader my self I under stand what he must be fighting with in side. But, as a Native American Trible member and an Afican American. I can't see puting money ahead of life. No matter if that life be Human, Alien, Animal, or vegetation.
What do you think Selfridge really thought about...
What do you think Selfridge really thought about destroying Hometree?
Do not forget, that a doller was a doller then. Or, the quarter was a quarter. and this was the case till the 70's.
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Was it me, or did it seem like Arnold...
Was it me, or did it seem like Arnold Schwarzenegger was a little too friendly at the Golden Globes and James's Star on the Holleywood walk of fame. I mean like. "I need a job soon, kind of friendly"? Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2010 at AVATAR
It has all the time it needs to beat Titanic. It will have the top spot in aweek or so.
Just FYI.. guys.. I wont go into all the gory...
Just FYI.. guys.. I wont go into all the gory details, but we're now at $1.66B gross -- only 140M to beat Titanic! I twill happen in the next 7 days!!
Very nice article.
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Dog soldier is now following AVATAR
Jan 20, 2010
Dog soldier
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2010 at Dog soldier's blog
Dog soldier is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 20, 2010
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