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I was a designer,artist,photographer,but mostly a dreamer...My dreams got broken and I am going through a very difficult time to find myself again...
Recent Activity
Hi Paris, please can you read my latest post. Will you come to Hungary one day? xoxoxo Marianna
MGMarts added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Dec 14, 2011
Paris, please can you read my twitter!/MGMarts timeline and can you follow me please. xoxoxo Marianna
Toggle Commented Nov 23, 2011 on No title at Paris Hilton
MGMarts added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Nov 23, 2011
MGMarts added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Nov 23, 2011
You always look so beautiful, doesn't matter what you are wearing. Paris, please can you read my message I have sent to you. xoxoxo
Toggle Commented Nov 23, 2011 on No title at Paris Hilton
Dear Paris, I just posted you a message, I hope you will read it. Here is my link to my profile page to find my message. Thank you, Marianna
Hello Paris, I would like to ask, have you received my hair accessories I made for you? Do you like them? xoxo Marianna Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Love it!! xoxo
MGMarts added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Mar 12, 2011
Thank you for the link,I loved it. You and Ellen are so sweet there together :) xoxo Marianna
MGMarts added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Mar 8, 2011
MGMarts added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jul 16, 2010
I like you both, brunette or blonde. Sorry, I wasn't a big help on this ;) xoxox
MGMarts added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jul 15, 2010
Loves it!
MGMarts added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jul 15, 2010
MGMarts added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jul 15, 2010
My son loves gadgets so much too! He was asking for a night googles for years now, he might get it this year for his birthday, unless we buy him an iPod touch. xoxox PS: I have a similar gold balerina shoes too, I love it, but I am not sure if is suits me...looks good on you!!
MGMarts added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jul 15, 2010
Yes, Paris is hot! Enjoy your meal. Can I ask what is your favorite Japanese food? xoxox Marianna PS: Do you will come to Hungary again, and if yes can I ask when? xoxo
MGMarts added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Mar 30, 2010