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Morten Hjerde
Founder at Rift Labs.
Interests: Photography, User Experience, Engineering, Development
Recent Activity
Morten Hjerde has shared their blog Sender 11
May 27, 2011
Back at the Rebel base
This blogger has moved! I want to invite you to my new gig over at Rift Labs. We are devloping Open Source Hardware for photographers. Come join us if you are into UX, design or photography at some level. Visit Rift Labs OK, so you thought this blog was dead? Hah! You were right. (In case you can't quite recognize it, Typepad promptly deleted my old design when I canceled my Typepad Pro account. I wasn't quite prepared for that, as I had paid to 6 more months. Typepad customer support cheerfully suggested I just paid them again and rebuilt it from scratch. Heh.) Last time we spoke I was starting work at Vodafone. What to say about that... my stint with huge corporations? I wanted to learn, and I learned a lot! But what I learned was quite different from what I set out to learn! And my relationship to Dilbert has completely changed. But now I'm back in the Rebel camp, and my God, it feels great to swing that lightsaber again! Of all things, I'm starting up a hardware company. A hardware start-up? Doing Consumer Electronics? Are you out of your mind? As one of my best... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2010 at Sender 11
Morten Hjerde is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Well, true, but there is also Sony Ericsson who has been a driving force in the whole feature phone segment. Also, there has been a lot of business model innovaiton coming out of Europe, while the US kept their gardens walled.
Ah, well :-)
I'd love to check out the Palm, hopefully they'll launch over here before too long.
Run for cover
This blogger has moved! I want to invite you to my new gig over at Rift Labs. We are devloping Open Source Hardware for photographers. Come join us if you are into UX, design or photography at some level. Visit Rift Labs The americans are coming! Now, Robert Scobble is not my favor...
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