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Mia Caniza
Interests: music, food, nyc, cooking, movies, scrapbooking, the beach, sports, the yankees, & dancing
Recent Activity
Love how you used the new line. Well I'm excited to go to the beach! Must do a beach trip each summer!
Documentary Blog Hop {Studio Calico}
Studio Calico's latest release - Documentary - should be hitting stores right about now.................. and to celebrate we are doing a blog hop! As scrapbookers, we are definitely all about documenting.... our lives, our people, our memories, our stories.... and on and on.... I persona...
Mia Caniza is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 16, 2010
Love, love, love that layout Steph! It's pure perfection! I love that pop of red! It's just divine. I'm giddy too about the new Lily Bee! It's so fun & fresh! Can't wait to see what Jenni Bowlin has up her sleeve this CHA! I'm sure I'll love it though! Happy Sunday girl!
scrappy sunday- 1/10/10 edition
Patterned Paper, Journaling Spots, Butterflies, Crepe Paper, buttons, rhinestones, letter stickers, chipboard buttons- all JBS. you can find them all HERE. Butterfly Punch- Martha Stewart Pen- American Crafts Precision Pen .03 Twine- Vintage FYI- The only adhesive I ever really use is the EZ...
Wow! Time just flies! Can't believe Sadie is almost 2! I still remember the threads about you giving birth. I'm sure that birthday is gonna be soooo cute & super fun! Can't wait to see pics after the party.
what in the world???
how is this baby girl almost two? wasn't it just yesterday that i was desperately hoping i wouldn't go into labor until J got home? isn't it just yesterday that i made this?? so how in the world is it that i'm in the process of planning her 2nd birthday (she'll be two on 2-2-10)? it just se...
Love the card! So pretty & w/ the watermarked background it's perfect. Love, love, love the new header too! That blue drink looks delish!
Happy New Year. And Bah Humbug.
So it's January 7, 2010. One week into a whole new decade should prove inspiring, no? Clean slates, new starts, fresh outlooks and all that crap, right? But for some reason I'm still stuck in Christmas mode. Yes, our tree and decor have been packed up and put away. The house is no long adorn...
You crack me up girl! Glad hubs is coming home! Can't wait to see your Etsy store!
December 1st ..
and it is snowing outside, all roads are blocked to El Paso and my man comes home tomorrow at noon .. for the first time I DISLIKE the snow .. excuse me while I have a convo with the snow: Me: Look Mo-Fo .. I been doing Kegels for 6 months .. Ima need you to get the hell on. We have a Christma...
Congrats girlie! You so deserve this & your man will be in AWE when he sees you today! Have fun! Thanks to your DH for everything he does!
.. for the first time in a long time .. after 15yrs of being with this man he still makes me nervous .. for the unknown not knowing what to expect .. the look on his face for the weight I have lost.. he has always thought I was beautiful, he has always thought nothing was wrong .. is...
Love that list! Lovin' that Pottery Barn table!
dear santa
I'm dreaming BIG this year. Because, really, what else is there to do but dream in a year when one has lost her job and the economy has gone down the drain? There's no harm in daydreaming, right Santa? A spot in a photography workshop A green, vintage Schwinn ikea console ...
Love the layout Maggie! And may I say you have an absolutely gorgeous family room! Love the orientation, all the space & those mirrors are way cool!
Studio Calico Blog Hop and Giveaway!
What makes your house feel like home? Since the new Studio Calico product line is called Home Front, we thought it would be fun to share something about our homes. In thinking about it I decided that there isn't really one specific "thing" that makes my house feel like home to me. Rather it is h...
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