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I'm a wife, a mom & a data analyst that finds creative outlet in making beautiful items for others.
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Hi Suzanne, you can use the petite nail sets that Color Street sells specifically made for small nail beds or you can trim the regular size strips using a wooden orange stick with the sharp edge. Lay the design down with one side in line with side of the nail bed so you only have to worry about the other side, press it down firmly then using an orange stick, press the edge of it into the edge of the nail (not too close so you have room for it to shrink up a little). Do the same to shape around the cuticle. You can also get metal tools like this which work as well. (Affiliate link)
Hi Maureen, yes if you get air on the nail strips, they will start to dry out just like nail polish would dry out. Sometimes you can revive it depending on how dried out they are by leaving them in the package with the backing on it then using a blow dryer on very low setting over it to warm it up. Can't guarantee it will work on your sets but it has worked on some of mine! Good luck!
I hope you had a great Christmas celebration and had wonderful nails on while celebrating!
You can put a gel coat on top of the strip, but I'm not sure about the UV lamp. I don't see why not since it's just nail polish. However, don't use the UV lamp on neon colors as it'll fade the color.
If you're looking for retired Color Street nail strips, head over to my VIP Facebook group and check out my in stock/on hand album. I just updated the albums to include all the items I have on hand, and there are plenty of older designs that you may be looking for. You will need a Facebook account and join the group to see the photos. If you don't have a Facebook account and would like to have access, please message me at [email protected], and I'll see if I can provide a different way for you to access them. Just an FYI, these are designs I have on hand to sell, and they will be shipped from me to you. I also honor the B3G1 designs and B1G1 french nail deals, and it's $3 for shipping unless you want to pay extra for express shipping. Click here to go to the Facebook group: You can also purchase the current designs at, and they will ship directly from Color Street. Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2021 at Bellamama Style
I've used the Sally Hansen 7 in 1 nail treatment in the past, but I have been using Nail Aid Steel Instant Hardener after buffing the top of my nails. That's been working out great with my Color Street nail strips.
Definitely! A lot of customers use them to cover up the nail growth at the top by using Color Street nail strips.
You can definitely use any top coat. Just make sure to let the nail strip cure for 30 min to an hour to reduce potential bubbling. I've noticed with solid strips this happens more if you don't let it cure.
Yes, you can use gel top coat and use the UV lamp. Just make sure that you let the nail strips cure for 30 min to an hour minimum so you reduce the chance of bubbles forming.
I'm currently using the Sally Hansen Nail Treatment 7 in 1 that I bought at Target. I buff my nails down first then add this on top to help strengthen my nails, but I've also used the Nail Rehab one as well. I've been trying to moisturize my cuticles more instead to keep my nails healthier. The Barielle Hydrating Ridge Filler has a lot of great reviews so I'm going to try that one next.
Doris, you can definitely trim and file them as your nails grow just like you can with regular nail polish.
Toggle Commented Feb 9, 2020 on Valentine's Day Giveaway at Bellamama Style
Definitely! I have used a white base coat or the Swiss and Tell white strips:
You can definitely put the strips on any glue on nails or acrylics.
The company won't cover dried nails after you save it, but I put them back into the plastic sleeve, push all the air out then use a flat iron to close the plastic bag again. If you don't have a flat iron, remove the air, roll it up multiple times, then stick the open end down into the cardboard sleeve so it's pushed against the edge. If it seems dry when you open it, try heating it up a bit with a hair dryer with it inside the plastic bag. Make sure it doesn't get too hot or it'll melt. lol
You can put it on right after or you can wait. They're fully dry already so it won't affect "dry" time. There is some cure time for nails so it'll set at the same rate. If you wait to put clear as day, you might get some tip wear depending on what you're doing with your hands during the day.
Do you mean gel top coat? I have, and it was fine. I use ACI Gelous Nail Gel Coat from Sally Beauty:
I use this on top of my nail strips which helps keep my edges looking better for longer. I make sure to get the tips and right under the edge to give it more protection. Just remember Color Street nails are real nail polish so will chip like regular polish will. Only additional hard top coat is going to make it last longer.
I'll try to post a video on what I use to remove my nails. But basically I cut up tiny squares from a big sheet of white craft felt from Michaels or JoAnn's (Hobby Lobby, etc.) then soak them with my favorite non-acetone remover. Then I place them on top of my nails for a couple minutes. After I can feel that the nail polish seems pliable, I push the nail strips from the cuticle bed out toward the tips of my nails one finger at a time. It should slide the strips right off. Especially with glitter polish (not just Color Street), scrubbing with cotton balls or pads really won't remove them easily. The felt squares are a game changer because it traps all the glitter as you're pushing them off the nails.
Buffing might actually make the nail too smooth. It sounds like maybe you just have really naturally oily nail beds. Make sure your nails are not wet or oily by using the alcohol pads supplied with your nail strips. Best time to put the nail strips on is at night before bed since it'll give it the most time to cure. If you have to use it during the day, make sure to use gloves when washing dishes especially with hot water.
If you use a ridge filler or a base coat before you put on Color Street nail strips, you could cause it to lift if you try to reposition. I would make sure that the coat is very dry before you put on the nail strip. What I do is gently place the nail strip on top of the nail and then eyeball it so that it seems even before I push it down any further.
You can definitely use a nail hardener first before using Color Street Nails. Just make sure that it's not a very thick coat and that it's fully dry.
Welcome to Bellamama Style blog, home for Bellamama Beauty and Bellamama Nails! I cannot believe that this year is already going by so quickly! It's only a few hours away from Valentine's Day 2018, and no matter if you have a significant other to celebrate with or not, I think... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2018 at Bellamama Style
Nail Tips (haha) for the best application with Color Street Nail sets: 1. Wipe your finger tips with alcohol pads before application (make sure it's fully dry) so that you reduce the oil transferring on to the sets as you apply. 2. Apply later in the day than earlier. Even though the nail polish strips are completely dry, the adhesive needs about 3 hours to fully cure. If you wait to apply before bed it will give you a lot of time for it to cure while you are sleeping. 3.Avoid hot water or a lot of hand washing before the nail strips have fully cured. Even though they will stay on, you will get more tip wear and wear along the nail bed. 4. When you are using a file to cut down the strips, make sure it's in a down motion, not side to side. And angle it so that you give some left over on the ends of your tips. The nail polish sets do shrink a bit like regular nail polish does after application. If you angle the file too far toward your nails then you will end up looking like you already got tip wear on the first day. 5. Solids are thinner and need more care when applying. I suggest buffing your nails a bit (just do not shine or the strips will not adhere as easily), and if you have ridges on your nails like I do, apply a ridge filler base coat to even out your nails first. 6. The strips already have a top coat on them, but some of them are shinier than others. If you love that gel look, apply a quick drying top coat on top like Poshe to give it a nice glossy look. Wrapping the top coat over the tips of the nails will also give it a longer time before you see tip wear. You don't have to do it, but I especially love it on the solids. We also sell "Clear As Day" nail sets that are clear that can go over our sets. They come with 4 sets vs the normal 2 sets in the envelope for $11. They also count as a solid so you can add it to your B3G1 deals. 7. Give your nails a full 24 hour naked time between sets to let your nails breathe and reset. Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2018 at Bellamama Style
Hello everyone! Welcome to our new OCBabywearers blog! Our group has been around since 2007, but this is the first time we've set up a blog. We now have several ways to find us: Our original yahoo group (that's no longer active but has lots of info and pics): Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2014 at OCBabywearers
I ended up moving a few months ago, and then I got behind posting photos of my manis. Here's my Christmas mani so far. I'll probably end up changing it next week since my nails are getting a bit too long. I find if it's too long, it gets in the way of taking care of my kids and typing. Since I'm on the computer almost all day, it gets annoying if it's too long. I ended up putting this on in the semi-dark at 3am. I'm expecting baby #3 in May, and I was feeling horrible during the night so I was wide awake. I thought why not do my nails instead. :) Please excuse my dry and ugly cuticles. The nausea from this pregnancy isn't doing great things for my skin right now. Color Club "Art of Seduction" on all my nails except for the ring fingers which are done with "Object of Envy" as accent nails. I love the thickness of the green glitter, but the red was pretty sparce. It wasn't as easy to work with, and I ended up having to do three layers. And even then it ended up with bald spots. I think I will use a base color first next time. Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2012 at Bellamama Style