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Michael Bedard
Recent Activity
Michael Bedard is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I love the new design but every time I try to update my credit card information, I get an error screen.
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Let us know what you think of the new TypePad Help us improve the new TypePad by providing feedback. You can also send feedback by email. Post your feedback or Switch back now
Thanks so much. Ill be trying it out and will post my feedback.
This Week's Release: Design, Workflow, and Bug Fixes
Here's a few highlights from this week's release. Add more awesome to your blog: We've put together a great list of independent experts who can help make your blog design really sing. Check it out! We're working on improving the new themes from Japan, too, and should have new widths available...
I've got the new design now. Thanks! I'll try it out and post a comment when I'm done.
This Week's Release: Design, Workflow, and Bug Fixes
Here's a few highlights from this week's release. Add more awesome to your blog: We've put together a great list of independent experts who can help make your blog design really sing. Check it out! We're working on improving the new themes from Japan, too, and should have new widths available...
I received the email invitation as well but there is no "try new design" anywhere on the page.
This Week's Release: Design, Workflow, and Bug Fixes
Here's a few highlights from this week's release. Add more awesome to your blog: We've put together a great list of independent experts who can help make your blog design really sing. Check it out! We're working on improving the new themes from Japan, too, and should have new widths available...
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