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Michael Christian
Recent Activity
The appropriate image is important even to those who have reached enlightenment and at we think of image in both aesthetic and philosophical terms. Your journey was reminiscent of the writing of Hermann Hesse, one of my favorite writers.
Return to India - trip to the barbers 3rd January
3rd January 2011 Today has dragged probably because any reason for us staying in Digboi has now passed, so really we are just keeping occupied with other tasks that could be done from anywhere, enough to see us through the next three days when Dharmavidya commences his train journey back to Delh...
This is a fascinating review of the pros and cons of a new technology. At we will certainly take this into consideration when advising clients on appropriate fabrics. Thank you for posting this information.
NanoTextiles - Facts Behind The Fabrics
Nano-Stealth. Nano-textiles are to organic clothing as GMO crops are to organic foods. Both nano-textiles and GMO crops are the results of scientific tinkering at subtle layers of matter without a complete understanding of the consequences, and according to their ardent proponents both have an...
Michael Christian is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 25, 2010
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