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Paris Hilton, Happy Birthday (31 years). You are really something special to the world. Enjoy your B'Day and many more to come. Ps. I’m your number one supporter. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. xoxo
You're getting old. Enjoy this day. Paris Hilton I would just love to wish you a Happy Birthady. Ps. I’m your number one supporter. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. xoxo
Advice? I wouldn't trust Snoop Dogg giving advice to my own son or daughter. I've seen him at Award shows and even seen several episodes of his Television show. Snoop Dogg means well. Its his intentions that count. Ps. I’m your number one supporter. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. xoxo
I believe that its the small things that count in life, that make that person you care about feel special. This is from my own personal experience. If I was dating right now, I would: 1) Buy some flowers (roses) 2) Treat to dinner (meal) 3) Buy a gift (jewlery) Ps. I’m your number one supporter. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. xoxo
Paris, you're a hopeless romantic. Ps. I’m your number one supporter. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. xoxo
My life philosophy. Work hard and play even harder. I made that up myself, by the way. Ps. I’m your number one supporter. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. xoxo
I am just happy that the celeb women is eating food. Paris you are the exception. You are super gorgeous. Ps. I’m your number one supporter. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. xoxo
Paris Hilton, I would love to wish you a Happy Valentines. Ps. I’m your number one supporter. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. xoxo
If your new album is half as good as your Paris 2006 album. Then it's going to be a hit. Ps. I'm your number one supporter. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. xoxo
If your new album is half as good as your Paris 2006 album. Then it's going to be a hit. Ps. I'm your number one supporter. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. xoxo
Paris Hilton. You're a white woman trying to be gangsta (gangster) or super cool. You are very cute. And funny. Ps. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. xoxo
Paris Hilton. Happy Birthday Gorgeous. But you're getting older, its time to get married. Ps. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. xoxo
Another day, done and dusted. That's a wrap. Sleep tight. Ps. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. xoxo
Honestly I don't know if my Valentine did anything special on Valentines Day? Ps. My facebook name is Michael Mariens please hit me with a friend request. Paris Hilton. Ok. xoxo
Michael_mariens is now following Paris Hilton
Feb 16, 2012
Michael_mariens is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 16, 2012