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Michael Natkin
Seattle, WA
Interests: golf, fine dining, cooking, football, programming, pool, recipes, vegetarian, billiards, c++
Recent Activity
I'm so with you - as many great things as we eat all year, these are the meals I look forward to the most. If the corn is great and the tomatoes are great, I could eat that many days in a row.
The Right Time of Year
There is a brief period at the end of the summer when tomatoes and corn are both at their peak. The ears of corn are so sweet and succulent that they only need to be steamed for 2-3 minutes. The kernels soften and swell and when you bite into the cob they explode with sweetness against your...
Foxy, that's a great adjective.
Concord Kosho
In this case we combined concord grapes and yuzu kosho. The grapes are pressure cooked for five minutes and then mixed with yuzu kosho. We let the flavors marry overnight and press the mixture through a fine mesh sieve. The result is a sweet, foxy, sour, spicy puree where the aroma of the grapes...
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