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Michelle Granger
Interests: Family time, reading, movies, music, photography
Recent Activity
LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the washi Tape!! The natural lighting at your workspace is amazing...Great sneak peek too, thanks for sharing it. I am looking forward to the full reveal.
citrus twist blog hop!
Welcome to Citrus Twist Kits Spring Blog Hop!! We have some fun inspiration, great organizational ideas & awesome prizes, plus a peek into the scrapbooking space for each of our designers! First I want to remind you the kit will be revealed on March 12th! Now for the Prizes: Two lucky commen...
Michelle Granger is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Great photos! Looks like you had a great time, glad you made it there and home safely.
Pip Pip Cheerio. Part 1.
No, not the cereal. That would be Cheerios. Cheerio. No, not a goodbye. It can also be used as a greeting. As in ... Pip, Pip, Cheerio. Hello. I'm back. Back from teaching in London. Another whirlwind trip. One of these days I'm going to extend my stay and make the most of my 36 hours of t...
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