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Michelle Morettini
Dallas, TX
I heart recruiting
Interests: food network, reading, baking, traveling, hanging out with the family, eating my spousal unit's cooking, learning new and useless skills
Recent Activity
How to avoid a second interview in 10 easy steps
There is so much info out there on how to succeed in job searching, interviewing, career management, etc. But what about the advice for those of you who don't want to get a second interview? Surely with the way that... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2010 at Get Hired!
Dear "Career Management",
Well, since your comment was posted by a career management website, I'm going to guess that you are in pretty good hands.
Best of luck to you,
What the flu reminded me about career management
So, if you are one of my regular 11 readers, you know by now that we have a little toddler who is the apple of our eye. You'll also remember that I thought nothing of pimping out her cute face to promote our efforts to raise money for Susan G. Komen. I think of her constantly and for any of yo...
Are you sure you want to hold out for a Fed job???
This is a short post with some big numbers. A friend of mine recently went through the interview process with a federal agency for a professional level position. While I have no way of verifying that his experience is typical,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2010 at Get Hired!
Stop fiddling with your resume
I received an email recently from a very capable and bright job seeker I know. This gentleman was convinced that the reason that he was not getting any responses in his job search was the format of his resume. Now,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2010 at Get Hired!
Want to ace an interview? Try being "real"!
I do a lot of interview coaching in my life. Friends, family, job search clients all eventually come to the place where they are ready to put their best foot forward and sell their skills for a new job. Many... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2010 at Get Hired!
Could your voicemail be hurting your job search?
We've all heard these voicemail messages....long drawn out stories with stories, or jokes. Or musical selections with the "sexy" voice at the end telling you to leave a message. Someone's kids asking you to leave a number for mommy or... Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2010 at Get Hired!
Are cover letters a necessary evil or just plain evil?
I ran a poll on my LinkedIn profile this Spring asking only Recruiters/Hiring Authorities to participate. I wanted to know just how important cover letters are to those in a position to schedule interviews. Unfortunately, the poll results that I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2010 at Get Hired!
How to find a good recruiter
In all industries, there exists the top, middle, and bottom players. However, most of us don't pay this any attention until we are slapped in the face by a bottom player. We can all think of someone...not just clueless, but... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2010 at Get Hired!
Bud-I'm glad I informed and entertained! I have to say that I got a bit of a horrified chuckle out of it too...although at 5am on LinkedIn, it's was probably the last thing I expected to see!
Want to remove connections from LinkedIn?
I started my day this morning reviewing the LinkedIn accounts for one of my outplacement candidates. However, before I could even get to this very nice man's profile, I saw that one of my recruiter connections had uploaded a new profile picture... AND SHE WAS BUTT NEKKID! I have to say that in...
Thanks Stephanie-you too!
Want to remove connections from LinkedIn?
I started my day this morning reviewing the LinkedIn accounts for one of my outplacement candidates. However, before I could even get to this very nice man's profile, I saw that one of my recruiter connections had uploaded a new profile picture... AND SHE WAS BUTT NEKKID! I have to say that in...
Want to remove connections from LinkedIn?
I started my day this morning reviewing the LinkedIn accounts for one of my outplacement candidates. However, before I could even get to this very nice man's profile, I saw that one of my recruiter connections had uploaded a new... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2010 at Get Hired!
Is your resume an owner's manual or a sales ad?
What makes you buy things? Features and benefits are all well and good, but typically it's the advertisement that gets you in the store, right? Well, if we can all acknowledge that we have been sucked in by advertising at... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2010 at Get Hired!
LinkedIn invites, a quickie primer
I opened my LI inbox this morning to find an invite from someone I do not know, and have never heard of. This person sent me an invite with the basic LI message selecting the "friend" option. Well, I don't... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2010 at Get Hired!
Writing a resume? Keep it simple!
As someone who has worked as a recruiter, HR manager, and outplacement coach since the 90's, I have to tell you that I long ago lost count of how many resumes I have seen over the years. Thousands? Tens of... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2010 at Get Hired!
Are your online networking rules ruining your chances of networking?
One of my outplacement candidates shared a story with me recently. She had gone to a local networking event for job seekers. She got to meet almost everyone, but missed one guy. However, the job search group handed out copies... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2010 at Get Hired!
Thanks for posting this-with so many job seekers out of touch with this idea, it's great to reinforce this as a potential career option! Corporate America is not your only option for career success anymore. Great blog!
-Michelle Morettini
Developing a Career Insurance Policy
How many of you would say that collecting Unemployment Insurance and being without a job has been the best part of your career? Has it empowered you? Has it changed how you think about managing your career? What will you do differently? Is it about taking control? Try and Get a Job the Rig...
Stop thinking like a job seeker and start thinking like a hired gun!
Haven't we all been here? Engaged in a work conversation that feels so exciting, watching paint dry is beginning to seem like a reasonable alternative? That's when you say thank goodness for Blackberry's and iPhones! But what happens when that... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2010 at Get Hired!
Is your biggest obstacle to finding a job the fact that you are a jerk?
I recently met the nicest man at a networking event. He turned me on to another person who I reached out to immediately asking to connect as fellow professionals in the same market, but different industries. Person A was so... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2010 at Get Hired!
Were you laid off...or made redundant?
I recently reconnected with a lovely and brilliant friend from college who now lives in England. We were catching up on the last 15 years of life and come to find out, we have been both been working in similar... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2010 at Get Hired!
Should Facebook be part of your job search?
Many of you heard the recent news that Facebook is now the #1 site du jour in terms of traffic. Do we care? Not sure yet...let's take a look at the numbers first: Taken from the Facebook stats page:... Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2010 at Get Hired!
LinkedIn features that many job seekers are missing
You've done it-you finally got on the bandwagon and set up a profile on LinkedIn. You even invited a few friends, colleagues, and family to connect with you. Maybe you have even posted a picture. And now you just know... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2010 at Get Hired!
Michelle Morettini is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
What would Darwin have thought of your job search?
Remember the line from middle school science? Well, for those that don't, here is your reminder: Darwin first used Herbert Spencer's phrase "survival of the fittest" as a synonym for "natural selection" in the fifth edition of On the Origin... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2010 at Get Hired!
What the flu reminded me about career management
So, if you are one of my regular 11 readers, you know by now that we have a little toddler who is the apple of our eye. You'll also remember that I thought nothing of pimping out her cute face... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2010 at Get Hired!
Why you should stop treating LinkedIn like Facebook!
I'm a LinkedIn junkie. I can't hide that fact. I Tweet, I Buzz, I Wave, I Pipl, I Spoke, I Friend, and once upon a time I did whatever it is we do on MySpace. But for me in terms... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2010 at Get Hired!
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