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I found you as I was Googling a recipe for cinnamon meringues. This recipe sounds divine! I can't wait to try it!!!
Thanks for sharing (I know it's an old post, but it looks like a goodie!)
Choco-mocca liqueur
So, where was I? I believe the last time I posted, I was talking about a fabulous meeting with the happy bunch that are the foodbloggers of this country and I was full of promises for my famous (or should that read infamous?) choco-mocca liqueur. Since then, I have received a lot of emails aski...
Hello, fellow Pearista! Hope you are feeling better! I'm just popping by to say hi. :)
Where Have All The Flowers Gone ? ...
Having been ill with a stomach flu the past 2 days, I've become a bit, well, stir-crazy... I received wonderful, beautiful flowers from friends the other day... roses :) and, yes, admittingly so... I take lousy photos (see below) when I do not feel very well, mostly due to the fact that I am...
This is a great idea! I would love to be a member.
Join the Clever 1000!
Looking to join the Clever 1000? Read on, or go immediately to this questionnaire. This is a sticky post and remains at the top of our blog. Please scroll down for new content. The Influencer is YOU As you know - because you are one of them - women who engage in social media activities are ...
Miel_Abeille is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 20, 2010
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