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Santa Monica, CA
Recovering brat
Recent Activity
You're very welcome. It's been fun having you play along. Inspiring too. :)
Christmas Song List 2011 - Advent Blog Day 19
We've made a holiday playlist this Christmas -- we do it every other year or so. Paul did all of the selecting and I calligraphied the cover. Here's the song list: Home for the Holidays - Emmy the Great & Tim Wheeler Let It Snow - Leon Redbone Santa Baby - Pink Martini The Man With the Ba...
Yes, but my posts have mostly all been short and haven't been about kink -- I find the amount of thoughtful writing you've been producing very impressive.
It's hard to find time to do all the reading I should. What I tend to do is try and surf though the blogs I like once ever week or two. I don't manage that a lot. Paul has suggested (repeatedly) that I use my feedreader (I even have one installed) but I like the feeling of actually visiting my friend's sites. It's like having a little window into their world.
Amazing Blogging: Advent Blog Day 17
Several things happened today. First, Paul and I got gifts shipped off to family we won't see at Christmas (stuff heading to Ohio and England). We had great karma with parking appearing as we needed it and stores not being too crowded. I'm especially proud of our gift for our eight year old, sc...
It is nice to be able to show the whole picture and not have to keep aspects of myself hidden.
Your feeling on introverts doing poly was exactly what my friend and I discussed and was her opinion / experience too. She had had good experiences being the "third" or non-primary with people who were in relationships with someone else, though the insecurity of that position was sometimes tough.
It was strange to talk to someone who was poly but not into BDSM. Interesting too!
Crossing the Streams: Advent Blog Day 16
I suppose we all have different faces or streams in our lives. For me there's Annie (the person I am with my family and closest friends), Mija (my kink self) and an academic identity that's separate from either of those (we'll call her A.). My streams aren't that separate -- Mija and Annie esp...
You look so innocent, but you're such a naughty girl at heart.
I'll think about it -- I didn't know it was available without being on Facebook. My sister-in-law and mom play. If I can play as Mija rather than as my vanilla self, I just may get into it. Playing with kinky friends is always such fun. :)
I'm so easily led into temptation.
Favorite Board Game: Advent Blog Day 18
Another quick blog post made at the end of the day. :) As the weather gets colder (okay, it's Santa Monica, but we've got the heater on and all) I tend to want to curl up and cocoon a bit. This makes me think of sipping hot beverages and playing board games. And when I think of playing board ...
They are indeed too rare. But I think, for me anyway, that's partly because I don't let them come together as often as I could, maybe because when it fails, when my kinky friends can't get into my academic and political interests or when my vanilla friends just stare agog at kinky details, it's painful. But the moments, like today, are worth a whole lot. Maybe enough for me to risk the pain a bit more often.
Crossing the Streams: Advent Blog Day 16
I suppose we all have different faces or streams in our lives. For me there's Annie (the person I am with my family and closest friends), Mija (my kink self) and an academic identity that's separate from either of those (we'll call her A.). My streams aren't that separate -- Mija and Annie esp...
You could do it! I'm sure you could. But I do feel an amazing amount of pride at my accomplishment. :)
Such a Manic Sunday: Advent Blog Day 11
This was not a quiet day. I'm not sure how it ended up being so busy, except that my dad was home all day and we seemed to move from task to task. Still, it was a good day in that I feel I got a fair few things done. The most impressive of these is that I changed the lock on the front door. I...
Thank you for the comments! I'll put a playlist together ASAP. :)
For Lurking Out Loud!
As you probably already know, given the virtual hum out there, today is the day Bonnie has organized for Love Our Lurkers Day -- a way of appreciating the readers of spanking blogs and giving you, the reader a hearty invitation to comment and participate. I'm always moved by comments to my blog...
Paul is an X too -- an INTX. I think having the split between T and F is a bit unusual - but then I've always known that you're special. :)
What Type Are You? (Eye-En-Ef-Pea)
Have you ever taken the Myer's Briggs personality test? It's based on Jungian personality types, sorting people by four different categories. My type, which I test at every time on every version of the test is INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, perception). I took it the first time my fre...
I think for me, the greatest strength of the test has been in teaching me that people need different type of reinforcement, that the things that are very important as recognition for one person don't matter at all to another.
And yes, a lot of the extraverts I know are very quiet people. But people and social interaction energizes them. I definitely would have guessed the NT about you though. :)
What Type Are You? (Eye-En-Ef-Pea)
Have you ever taken the Myer's Briggs personality test? It's based on Jungian personality types, sorting people by four different categories. My type, which I test at every time on every version of the test is INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, perception). I took it the first time my fre...
Like you and Erica, I remember feeling relieved about the introversion thing. My parents always worried about my solitary tendencies and tried hard to make me socialize more. I suppose I should thank them because their influence made me able to make small talk and conversation when I have to, but it was like torture at the time.
I'm glad to know another INFP. I know we're supposed to be rare, but I've met a number through the scene. My non-scientific study says INFPs tend to like roleplay. Is that true for you?
What Type Are You? (Eye-En-Ef-Pea)
Have you ever taken the Myer's Briggs personality test? It's based on Jungian personality types, sorting people by four different categories. My type, which I test at every time on every version of the test is INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, perception). I took it the first time my fre...
I've always liked the test too. For a while I made everyone I knew take it and thought about it a lot. I still think my type description fits me quite well, but these days tend to try and moderate my characteristics a bit. Not sure how well that's working though. :) Thanks for playing along.
What Type Are You? (Eye-En-Ef-Pea)
Have you ever taken the Myer's Briggs personality test? It's based on Jungian personality types, sorting people by four different categories. My type, which I test at every time on every version of the test is INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, perception). I took it the first time my fre...
You know, it did make me think of you. Still, I can't quite get my head around the idea of Bob Dylan spanked...
Recent Search Terms
There are the usual: hand spanking hand tawsing shadow lane parties Niki Flynn Alex Birch There are the not surprising: short pants caning hands strapped punished fetish saddle shoes spanked in uniform the sting and cut of the cane And then there are the odd: dallas spanks hard for ameli...
Thanks DeAnna. I'm glad you found us. Meanwhile as to the gym, so far, so good. :)
Caned Again (Again)
[This blog post has been written twice. The first draft got eaten by TypePad (boo!). I thought maybe this was a sign that this story wasn't meant to be shared, but Zille and Paul convinced me that if I didn't share the story here, pictures of my bottom and its cane marks could end up on Twitter....
Thanks padme. Sounds like your weekend was a much more exciting, if painful, one.
Just a Hand Spanking
Last night I was handspanked. Not for any reason but because it seemed like a good idea. Paul had promised it early in the day but bedtime had come, complete with clean sheets on the bed, and I slid between them not feeling disappointed. It had been a good day. Paul came in and urged me out...
Hope you got just what you needed. :) My dad is going to be away again this weekend.
Just a Hand Spanking
Last night I was handspanked. Not for any reason but because it seemed like a good idea. Paul had promised it early in the day but bedtime had come, complete with clean sheets on the bed, and I slid between them not feeling disappointed. It had been a good day. Paul came in and urged me out...
I can't wait to read about it. :) You do such a good job promising posts!
Just a Hand Spanking
Last night I was handspanked. Not for any reason but because it seemed like a good idea. Paul had promised it early in the day but bedtime had come, complete with clean sheets on the bed, and I slid between them not feeling disappointed. It had been a good day. Paul came in and urged me out...
LOL. Shadow Lane play. The gift that keeps on giving. :)
Sound & Spanking
Over on Hermione's site she's standing in for Bonnie and has asked the weekly brunch question. This week the question is: What effect, if any, does the sound of an implement have on you during a spanking? Do you react differently depending on how much or how little noise an implement makes? ...
I've never really thought about it before, but yes, I've got a strong reaction to sounds too. A loud implement does leave me feeling battered by the sound. I'm not sure I'm evolved enough to separate the sound from the pain. I just know if something is noisy it hurts me more.
Thanks for pointing out your post. I had read it at the time but forgot about it. But yes, you're right.
Sound & Spanking
Over on Hermione's site she's standing in for Bonnie and has asked the weekly brunch question. This week the question is: What effect, if any, does the sound of an implement have on you during a spanking? Do you react differently depending on how much or how little noise an implement makes? ...
Thank you! It is a pretty horrible story, isn't it?
Fiction: Ghost Girl
[Today, as I joked on Twitter that I'd taken money out of Paul's account for the first time today and was a "kept woman." Serenity reminded me of a story I wrote about this some ten years ago. As I told her, my fantasies about being kept have always been dark ones. This one was inspired by a sh...
I felt like enough jokes had been made at the expense of your paper towel spindle -- I mean, furry paddle. And yes, we have bought quite a few together. Though I refuse to take the blame for your hairbrush paddle.
Firsts Friday: Implements
Ah, a girl and her toys. Once upon a time I couldn't see kinky toys for sale without wanting to buy something. Of course I didn't have much money and had less discrimination so I bought a lot of not-very-good toys, but still. I still remember the rush of naughty excitement when I bought my f...
Hi there,
Pan de muertos varies, but it's basically a sweet, light yeast bread covered with sugar -- a type of pan dulce. Bakers put little strips of dough, like bones across the round loafs. It's good. I hope you find some.
Día de Los Muertos
[I've broken with my promise to blog every day this month. In my defense, I did start this entry last night, but I collapsed into sleepiness before I finished writing it. There will be two blog posts today.] Here in Los Angeles, people are starting to build alters for Día de Los Muertos -- lit...
Thank you dear girl. :)
Fiction: Ghost Girl
[Today, as I joked on Twitter that I'd taken money out of Paul's account for the first time today and was a "kept woman." Serenity reminded me of a story I wrote about this some ten years ago. As I told her, my fantasies about being kept have always been dark ones. This one was inspired by a sh...
It should be all about consent, which is why what I do doesn't tip my own abuse memories too often, though this story isn't the best example because it's about miscommunication.
I'm glad you're enjoying reading here. It's always good to see you. :) And thanks for the praise of my writing.
Fiction: Ghost Girl
[Today, as I joked on Twitter that I'd taken money out of Paul's account for the first time today and was a "kept woman." Serenity reminded me of a story I wrote about this some ten years ago. As I told her, my fantasies about being kept have always been dark ones. This one was inspired by a sh...
You're welcome. Thank you for the praise and I hope he liked it.
Fiction: Ghost Girl
[Today, as I joked on Twitter that I'd taken money out of Paul's account for the first time today and was a "kept woman." Serenity reminded me of a story I wrote about this some ten years ago. As I told her, my fantasies about being kept have always been dark ones. This one was inspired by a sh...
You're welcome. You know how I like praise -- and I do think it's one of my better efforts, perhaps because the Joyce Carol Oates original is already a haunting story.
Fiction: Ghost Girl
[Today, as I joked on Twitter that I'd taken money out of Paul's account for the first time today and was a "kept woman." Serenity reminded me of a story I wrote about this some ten years ago. As I told her, my fantasies about being kept have always been dark ones. This one was inspired by a sh...
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